MUS Public Records Requests
PDF Version of Public Records Request Response Guidelines
I. Purpose
To provide guidance and a consistent response to public records requests, the Montana
University System has adopted these guidelines.
Nothing herein will override a right to privacy or matters of individual or public
safety provided by the Montana Constitution, statutes, and rules addressing confidentiality,
or other rulings addressing privacy and safety protections.
II. Scope
These guidelines will guide the response to public records requests on all campuses of the Montana University System.
Ill. Processing Public Records Requests
A. All public records requests made as a "Freedom of Information Request (FOIA)" or
"Right-to Know Request" must be in writing and from a person with a
physical address. Names of individuals requesting public records are public information.
The Office of the Commissioner and each campus will identify the
office to which these requests are sent for review.
B. Most public records requests require legal review to determine if there are matters
of individual privacy contained in the records and to determine whether
the records requested constitute public records under the Montana Constitution
and related statutes. The nature of the request and the volume of work will
be factors in deciding whether to charge legal fees. Legal Counsel may add a
disclaimer to the release of information.
C. Certain costs associated with fulfilling public records requests may be charged
to the requestor pursuant to sections 2-6-102(2) and 2-6-110(2). MCA. These
charges include, but are not limited to:
a. custom computer programming;
b. research and analysis;
c. copying of electronic or paper records;
d. e-mail restores;
e. services required of the Information Technology departments; and
f. legal fees
D. All expenses must be reimbursed based on the actual cost of fulfilling the public
records request, not on estimated costs. Payment for records requests must
be received by the responsible office and the check cleared prior to the release
of the information. The requestor must be informed if the fulfillment of the
request is projected to exceed the estimated costs and must agree in writing
to the new estimate before work continues.
IV. Protection of Records
OCHE and the campuses must maintain the integrity of original records. If requested records might be altered, stolen, or are irreplaceable, staff must supervise (no fee associated) the examination and copying of the records by the requestor.
V. Protection of Privacy and Safety OCHE and the campuses will provide access to and/or
copying of unprotected Department records.
Records and materials that are constitutionally protected from disclosure are not
available to the public (2-6-1 02, MCA). In cases where there is an individual privacy
interest that clearly exceeds the merits of public disclosure, including legitimate
trade secrets (30-14402(4), MCA), records and materials subject to a legal privilege
and matters related to individual or public safety, the records containing this information
will not be disclosed or will be redacted to remove the protected information.
VI. Covered Charges and Actual Costs
Attachment A contains the fee schedule for public records requests.
Attachment A- Fee Schedule
Photocopying Charges
Per page
$0.35 (Staff time spent on copying
is included in the per-page charge.)
Records recalled from offsite storage
Actual cost
Staff time to prepare materials for copying
$15.92 per hour
If the request is for an extraordinarily large volume of printed material,
Actual cost
copies may be made by Print and Mail Services on campuses
If appropriate, a requesting party may bring a No charge copier, scanner,
No charge
or personal computer onsite to make copies.
Electronic Media Copies
Staff time for copying electronic files
$15.92 per hour after first half hour¹
Electronic media
Actual cost
Mainframe and mid-tier processing charges, including processing time,
Actual cost
transmission time, and report writing charges
Legal Review