Answers to Your Questions

What is pollution prevention (P2)?

Pollution prevention means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal.  P2 can help businesses save money by reducing their resource use, expenditures, waste and liability costs, while at the same time reducing their environmental footprint and helping to protect human health and the environment.

Do I have to be a Montana State University student to qualify?

No. College students from any college or university in the United States are eligible to apply.

What skills are you looking for in potential interns?

We evaluate students based upon their leadership skills and experience, past job experience, coursework completed and grades, verbal and written communication skills, and initiative.

What majors are appropriate for your program?

We typically hire chemical and mechanical engineering, sustainable food and bioenergy systems or environmental science students; however, other majors may also be qualified for our program. Each year, our projects differ greatly; therefore, our target majors also differ. We encourage you to apply to our program if you have a technical background and an interest in environmental issues. We have hired environmental science, sustainable food and bioenergy systems, chemistry, business, policy, public health, and other majors for our program in the past.

Where are internships located?

MTP2 intern projects are located at businesses or organizations across the state of Montana.  Approximately half of the businesses are in the Bozeman area.

Do I have to have transportation for the internship?

Personal transportation is highly recommended; however, a few interns have been able to figure out carpooling options with other interns and/or the business.  

Is housing provided?

Housing is the responsibility of the intern, although there are a limited number of scholarships to help cover housing expenses.  During the training week  housing can be secured at MSU dormitories.  Inquire with MTP2 about a reduced rate.

Can I send my resume?

Yes you can. It will not be evaluated as an application though.

If selected, what business will I be working with?

Businesses vary every year.  When possible MTP2 staff will offer potential interns the opportunity to choose between one or more project options based upon interests expressed in their application/cover letter. 

What are the deliverables of the internship?

Interns will create a Value Stream Map for their business and base potential savings off their findings.  At the end of the internship a final Power Point presentation of the interns’ findings and recommendations will be made both to the business as well as to MTP2 and the other interns.  A case study will also be required.  Additionally, a pre and post internship survey will be required. 

What kind of mentorship will interns receive?

Interns will have a technical advisor from the Montana Manufacturing Extension Center that will assist with the initial visit and Value Stream Map at the business.  They will be available for support throughout the internship.  Additionally students will have an onsite advisor at the business.  MTP2 staff will also be available for support throughout the internship. If seeking college credit, the corresponding professor will also serve as a mentor. 

Is the internship full-time?

Yes.  Interns are expected to work 35 hrs/week for 9weeks.  Week one is a full week of training at MSU.  Weeks two-nine will be onsite at the business with the final day back in Bozeman for final presentations. 

What is the goal of the internship?

The goal of the internship is to identify areas where the business can either reduce energy consumption, water usage, hazardous waste, or metric tons of C02 emissions, and provide alternative solutions. 

What does the training consist of?

The training is a full week covering the following:

  • Introduction to pollution prevention
  • Manufacturing Basics and lean manufacturing
  • Identifying Value-Added vs Non-Value-Added activities
  • Identifying production and environmental wastes
  • Energy savings in manufacturing
  • Designing a Scope of Work
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Creating a case study
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Careers with the EPA


Learn More about MTP2's Internship Program:


If you are interested in applying or have more questions, please contact:

[email protected]

“Empowering businesses to be part of the solution, not the pollution”


Jenny Grossenbacher, Director
[email protected]
(406) 994-4292

Barbara Watson, Program Coordinator
[email protected]
(406) 994-7517

Montana State University
Education, Health & Human Development
304 Taylor Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717