Preamble.JPG (539932 bytes)


Extreme O Meter.JPG (255232 bytes)

How Extreme is Life in Ice

Organic Carbon Model.JPG (478808 bytes)

Organic Carbon Model for Dry Valley Lakes

Lake Ice Aggregates.JPG (331811 bytes)

Lake Bonney Ice Aggregates

SEM Lake Ice Aggregates.JPG (421479 bytes)

Lake Bonney Ice Core Microbes

Subglacial Lake Map.JPG (426092 bytes)

Subglacial Lakes Locator Map

Lake Vostok Schematic.JPG (825063 bytes)

Schematic of Lake Vostok Processes

Drill Mechanism.JPG (943500 bytes)

Schematic of Subgalcial Lake Drill

Lake Vostok physical properties.JPG (410509 bytes)

Lake Vostok Physical Properties

Lake Vostok physical properties 2.JPG (381946 bytes)

Lake Vostok Physical Properties (cont.)

Vostok Ice Core Schematic.JPG (288301 bytes)

Vostok Ice Core Schematic

SEM Vostok Ice Core Microbes.JPG (407156 bytes)

Vostok Ice Core Microbes