MSU Diversity Council 

November 16, 2023 

1:30-3:00 pm 



Ariel Donohue - Chair, 

Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer 


Yves Idzerda -  

Academic Deans  


Kandi Gresswell - Division of Student Success 


Barbara do Amaral - Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons 


Anja Lincke - Student Diversity Representative 


Victoria Stallings -  
All Staff Council 


Steven Davis - Academic Diversity Partner- Honors 


Jen Allen - Bobcat Athletics  


Toby Blake - Office of International Programs 


Stephanie McCalla - Faculty Senate 


Nika Stoop - Gender Equity Alliance  


Miller Rijfkogel - Associated Students of MSU 


Mary Greene - Graduate Partnerships 










Other Attendees 




Jacqueline Frank 


Madi Herman 






  1. Welcome and introductions 
  2. Approval of October meeting minutes
    • Approved 
  3. Informational items:  
    1. Gender Equity Alliance: inclusive leadership guide 
      • Discussion included the importance of this topic, how to get access to data for assessing current level of diversity in various campus roles, whether the guide would be for only academic leaders or a broader audience, identities to be sure to address or include in the guide, and ways to share this resource once it’s developed.
    2. November 7th“Dear Colleague” letter and Fact Sheet with resources
      • Discussion included impacts on study abroad even outside of the region, impacts on MSU alums through MEPI program, etc.
    3. Update of MSU Strategic Plan, Choosing Promise
    4. Updated all-gender, accessible restroom map and guide
      • Discussions about whether residence halls were covered on this map and whether/which residence halls have gender neutral restrooms. Members were interested in hearing from Residence Life staff and/or RHA about housing/restroom needs, getting updates on gender inclusive housing option, and understanding supply vs demand of housing options.
  4. Public comment
    • Discussion of out of state student acceptance and belonging. Where does this fit into DEI efforts and what role can we play in making the community (outside of MSU) more welcoming? Ideas around what it means to belong – shared relationships, place-based knowledge – and how we could shape recommendations for welcoming students to MSU and/or encouraging more thoughtful reflection on what it means to belong in this place.
    • One of the DISC ambassadors is in the early stages of planning an event about communication in neurodiversity, and is looking for faculty or staff who are interested in providing perspective on neurodivergent communication in higher ed/ teaching or general communication. If you have ideas or questions, email [email protected]
  5. Upcoming diversity events: see  


Next meeting: December 14, 1:30 – 3:00 pm, American Indian Hall 159