Grading Instructions
Fall 2024 Grading is Now Open
Online Grading Instructions
NEW for Fall 2023!!
- Incomplete "I-Grade" submissions can be 100% completed during banner grade entry. No more supplemental forms! Essentially, when faculty enter an Incomplete or “I” grade the reversion date will default to the end of the next semester (though it is adjustable if student and faculty have a different arrangement. Additionally, faculty will be prompted to enter a “narrative grade comment” where they will articulate the remaining work the student must complete to receive a grade. More information is below regarding the I grade eligibility and grading process.
- Withdrawal "W-Grades" must have Last Date of Attendance (LDA) submitted by faculty. Federal regulations require that all W and F grades include a last date of attendance. MSU has required an LDA for all F grades and now we are required to do the same for W grades.
More information and details below.
Grading Instructions
All student grades must be submitted to myinfo via the faculty services tab or the Registrar’s Office via roster from the instructor of record no later than 8:00 a.m. the Tuesday following commencement.
If a student hasn’t been attending but hasn’t dropped the class, the instructor is encouraged to post the grade that the student had earned when they stopped attending and if that is an “F” to record the last date of attendance. Do not leave grades blank!
If a student grade record is left blank after 8:00am on the Tuesday after commencement, the grade will be converted to an “NR” not reported. The instructor will be required to submit a grade change form for each individual student whose grades were late or missing.
Montana State University follows federal policy and requires instructors to report a student’s last date of attendance for all courses resulting in a “W” or “F.” Instructors will not be able to submit their roster at the end of the semester without reporting last date of attendance for F or W grades.
Finding Last Date of Attendance in D2L:
- Log into D2L
- Click on Course Resources
- Click on Classlist
- Click on the Enrollment Statistics tab
- Scroll down to “Withdrawals”
- The last date the student accessed your course will be in the far right column. If this field is blank, the student never logged into the course and you may use the first day of class as a default date.
For general inquiries regarding grading, please call the Registrar’s Office direct line at (406) 994-6650.
Login Information:
All individuals who are identified as the instructors of record will be able to access their class roster and submit grades through myinfo. If you need to change who is the instructor of record for your course, please email [email protected]. To access your course and submit final grades:
- Navigate to and login to your myinfo account
- Navigate to the Faculty Services Tab
- Select Faculty Grade Entry
Navigation and Filtering
- Courses are sorted by CRN but you can sort any column in ascending or descending order by clicking on the arrows at the top of the column. You can only sort by one column at a time.
- You can Rearrange the columns by dragging and dropping the columns to re-order.
- You have 60 minutes to enter the class grades. We recommend saving frequently to ensure that you do not get a “time out” error.
- Grades can be easily changed as long as you make edits prior to 8:00am the Tuesday after commencement. Once grades have rolled to academic history, a grade change form is required to make any updates.
Navigation Information
- Grading Status: The grading status column shows the grading status of your rosters
- Completed: All grades have been successfully entered
- In-Progress: Some grades have been entered but the roster is incomplete
- Not Started: Roster has not been graded
- Rolled Grades: Please note, the Registrar’s Office rolls grades. You can make edits
to your roster until grades have been rolled.
- Pagination Controls: If you teach multiple sections, you may want to utilize pagination
controls to change the per-page display to navigate through all pages. The default
is set to show 25 students per page:
- To begin grading, select the class you would like to grade. Once the course is selected, the roster will populate below. Scroll down to the roster and in the Final Grade column, click the drop-down box and select the grade the student earned.
- Save early and often! You do not have to submit all of your grades at once but you must click “Save” to save your progress. A confirmation message that says “Save Successful” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen after grades have been successfully saved.
- You do not need to fill out the "Hours Attended" column
- The Reset button will clear all unsaved grades, making it easy to start over, if needed. Please note, it is right next to the save button. Click carefully.
Tips and Tricks
- Entering “I Grades
- Not seeing your classes? Make sure you’re in the correct semester! On the Faculty Services tab, click “Term Selection” and select the term you wish to submit grades.
- Instructors may assign a grade of "I" (Incomplete) when students have completed at least 75% of the coursework, are unable to complete their academic obligations because of circumstances beyond their control and have agree to the conditions of completing the I grade set out by the instructor. The University takes the position that when students register, they commit themselves to completing their academic obligations as their primary responsibility. Therefore, the instructor may assign an I grade only in cases when students have suffered extreme personal hardship or unusual academic situations.
- An instructor may assign an I grade in cases of personal hardship when students have been unable to fulfill their commitments because of illness, death or illness in the immediate family, family emergencies, or military orders. The Dean of Students will verify personal hardship cases at the instructor’s request. The instructor may assign an I grade to a student for personal hardship, provided the student has completed three-fourths of the work of the course with a passing grade.
- When an incomplete “I” grade is assigned, the instructor will be prompted to adjust the incomplete final grade (if the student took no further action, what would their grade be now? Generally an F) as well as the extension date (date in which the student must submit all remaining assignments and a final grade will be submitted). Additionally, instructors must enter a “narrative grade comment” documenting the conditions the student must meet to have the I grade changed to a traditional letter grade:
- The Registrar’s Office will roll grades (the week that grades are due)
- An asterisk next to a grade means the course is not college-level and does not count in the student’s GPA
- Courses taught as Pass/Fail must only be graded with P-Pass or F-Fail grades
- Courses taught as Traditional must be graded with traditional grades, ex: A, B, C+, D
- Faculty may not enter “AU”
- Faculty may not enter “W”
- We often get phone calls from faculty inquiring how to grade a student who failed to drop their class but stopped attending early in the semester. If the student is still on your roster, please grade them with the grade they have earned (generally an F). Rest easy knowing there are procedures and systems in place to assist students who have experienced extraordinary circumstances that impact their academic performance.
- If you do not have record of last date of attendance for an F or I grade, you can
check D2L activity:
- Log into D2L
- Click on Course Resources
- Click on Classlist
- Click on the Enrollment Statistics tab
- Scroll down to “Withdrawals”
- The last date the student accessed your course will be in the far right column. If this field is blank, the student never logged into the course and you may use the first day of class as a default date.
Additional tutorial help can be found here:
If you are having trouble submitting your grades or experiencing an issue not addressed in these instructions, please email Kandi Gresswell at [email protected] or Tony Campeau at [email protected] with the information below:
- Description of issue encountered
- What were you doing when it occurred (Examples: Issuing an I grade, entering last date of attendance)
- Error received (please send a screenshot, if possible)
- Date and time of error
- Name of the browser being used