GPS track recorded by forward "sweep" crew (Hayes, Wigley, Maher): Google Earth .kml file or .gpx file
(click image for larger version)
↓ Sunrise from the knob
↓ Hmmm, will it be this nice on the summit?
↓ Valley view
↓ Ice-covered trees
↓ Winter in August
↓ Valley view just below the cloud level
↓ View south toward the trailhead
↓ ...not so bad below the clouds...
↓ August in the Bridgers...
↓ High visibility conditions (?)
↓ Icy flagpole
↓ 'Bald'-y volunteers (Steve, Jay, Margaret, Rob)
↓ Shelter from the storm (Carl, Sarah, Dan, Rob, Bob)
↓ A ridge runner sporting a 'retro' outfit
↓ Early afternoon: could that be sunshine?
↓ Water, Gatorade, Hammer Gel, Fig Newtons...dill pickles and olives?
↓ Shelter from the wind: check-off those runners!
↓ A windy, foggy day.