safe zone trainings for faculty, staff, and students

The mission of Safe Zone at MSU is to promote an inviting and inclusive environment that is emotionally and physically safe for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. This is achieved through (1) increasing awareness and education aboutLGBTQ+ identity, (2) developing and expanding MSU’s network ofLGBTQ+ allies as well as increasing visibility of designated allyship Safe Zones on campus, and (3) developing strategies to mitigate heterosexism and transnegativity.

The Safe Zone program, a joint effort between the Student Commons and Counseling and Psychological Services, works to deliver educational trainings and increase awareness of LGBTQ+ identity and allyship. The program exists to acknowledge and support members of our community who identify within theLGBTQ+ spectrum.

Safe Zone trainers are an interdisciplinary team of MSU staff, faculty, and students dedicated to raising awareness and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community through education, training, and support. These volunteer Safe Zone trainers are committed to fostering a campus climate where students, faculty and staff of all genders and sexual identities thrive. The volunteers have undergone training and work to educate other members of the MSU community to be both understanding and supportive of LGBTQ+ individuals.

It is our belief that promoting a more accepting and inclusive campus environment is beneficial to the growth and development of the MSU community as a whole. The Safe Zone symbol identifies MSU members who can provide a safe place to talk about issues that impact LGBTQ+ individuals, connect them to additional resources when needed, and support the diversity that LGBTQ+ individuals add to the campus community.

Why Safe Zone?

Research suggests that a reduction in discrimination towards any group provides a decrease in discrimination towards other groups as well; thus, everyone benefits. Students, faculty, and staff at MSU who identify as LGBTQ+ may not always feel safe disclosing their gender sexual identity due to potential negative reactions or consequences. This may lead to feelings of isolation or invisibility and experiences of campus life as hostile, uninviting, and/or un-accepting. Safe Zone provides an avenue forLGBTQ+ individuals to identify places and people who are supportive, non-judgmental, and welcoming of open dialogues regarding these issues.

How can I get involved?

  • Attend an LGBTQ+ Awareness and Education Module 1 workshop offered each fall and spring. 
  • Attend Allyship Development Module 2 training and become a allyship practicioner. Safe Zone members display allyship by posting signs or buttons to signify allyship. These signs and buttons signify a safe place and person for members of the LGBTQ+ community.  
  • Attend Module 3 to explore implicit bias and how this may get enacted through microaggressions.
  • Request a workshop for your student organization, department or office.
  • Become a Safe Zone trainer! Each fall, we hold trainer trainings to develop a network of volunteers to lead training workshops throughout the year. Ifyou have taken Safe Zone module 1 and are interested in becoming a trainer, email [email protected] 
  • To register, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

What does Safe Zone Allyship mean?

Individuals who complete the process of Safe Zone Allyship training recognize the value of LGBTQ+ individuals in our community. Safe Zone Allyship holds that campuses and communities are enriched by the diversity of LGBTQ+ individuals and are willing to assist individuals in accessing support and information resources on campus and in the community. Safe Zone Allyship also involves the practice of using of inclusive language, avoiding stereotyping and assuming heterosexuality and cisgender identity. Finally, Safe Zone Allyship involves being supportive and affirming to students, staff and faculty who wish to talk about being LGBTQ+.

Do I have to be LGBTQ+ to be part of Safe Zone Allyship?

The Safe Zone program welcomes people of all genders and sexual identities to participate. Displaying the Safe Zone decal and practicing allyship does not indicate how a person identifies related to their gender or sexual identity.  Safe Zone allyship involves recognizing and are committing to the ongoing process of education, growth, and support.