What is "convergence"?

Many complex and socially important research problems require a convergence of several disciplines to integrate knowledge, methods  and expertise in ways that more adequately address the scientific, technical, social, ethical, and policy dimensions of those problems.  Convergence research typically requires:

  • Bringing together diverse experts across several disciplines to identify research problems, challenges, and oppportunities.
  • Deep integration between disciplines working on specific research problems, including the co-production of new theories, methods, concepts, visualizations, or frameworks. 

This year, C-STES will host a series of events aiming at building and supporting researchers who are interested in pursuing convergent research opportunities with MSU researchers from other disciplines.  


Interdisciplinary Collaboration Workshop:

September 11, 2024 from noon-2pm in Renne Library , Room 324

The Center for Science, Technology, Ethics and Society (C-STES) and the Office of Research Development will co-host a workshop on interdisciplinary collaboration. Faculty from any discipline who are interested in exploring research, scholarly, or artistic collaborations across disciplinary divides are invited to attend.   

The workshop will include a panel discussion with experienced collaborators from Earth Sciences, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Art and English; interactive group exercises, and practical training. Attendees will leave the workshop with a better understanding of why interdisciplinary collaborations can be beneficial, what shape interdisciplinary collaborations may take, and how to mitigate challenges and maximize success. Those who have successfully collaborated in the past, those currently looking for collaborators, and those who may never have collaborated outside their field before are all encouraged to attend.  

Lunch will be provided. To secure your spot (and your lunch!) please CLICK HERE TO RSVP.

Questions? Contact C-STES Director Kristen Intemann.