CSforAll Team Members
Faculty & Staff
Brittany Terese Fasy is an associate professor in Computer Science, with an affiliate position in Mathematical Sciences. She is the principal investigator of this project, which includes coordinating the team and advising students. She is excited to work with the middle school students of Montana, as they are the future of our state.
Kristin Searle
Colby Tofel-Grehl
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jake Chipps
Graduate Researchers
Aayushi Dangol
Mengying Jiang
Undergraduate Researchers
None at this time.
Advisory Board
Jioanna Carjuzaa
Dr. Jioanna Carjuzaa earned a Ph.D. in Multicultural, Social and Bilingual Foundations of Education from the University of Colorado-Boulder. She has over thirty years teaching experience as a multicultural teacher educator, diversity trainer, and English for Academic Purposes instructor. At Montana State University (MSU) she is a Professor and serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education (CBME). Under her leadership, the CBME generates multiple funding streams focusing on the following program areas: preservation of Indigenous languages, facilitation of culturally responsive pedagogy in K-12 schools including the integration of Indian Education for All (IEFA) across the curriculum in all content areas and at all levels, academic support for American Indian English Language Learners, and professional development for Class 7 Indigenous language and culture teachers as well as a variety of projects designed to promote social justice by increasing cultural sensitivity. Jioanna also teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Education and Native American Studies as well as for the Office of International Programs. In addition, Jioanna is grateful to serve as the facilitator for IEFA professional development opportunities for the MSU community and has hosted over 20 IEFA conferences/ workshops. She is the author of Teaching in the Middle and Secondary Schools, Pearson's leading methodology textbook which is now in its 11th edition. She is actively involved in the professional development of Class 7 Indigenous Language and Culture teachers across Montana and has hosted numerous conferences and webinars. She was the recipient of the 2013 G. Pritchy Smith Multicultural Educator of the Year Award. She was honored at the 2016 AIC MSU 41st Powwow and was also awarded the 2014-2016 Distinguished Professorship Award by the College of Education, Health and Human Development at MSU. Recently, she was also honored to be the recipient of the Montana Indian Education Association’s 2018 Special Recognition Award.
Steve Cooper
Kathy DeerInWater
Dr. Kathy DeerInWater is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. She joined AISES in October 2014 and completed her Doctoral degree in Ecology at the University of California, Davis in September 2015. As a long-time member of the AISES family, Dr. DeerInWater brings first-hand experience and passion to AISES’ mission of increasing the representation of Native people in STEM studies and careers. Dr. DeerInWater oversees program development, implementation, and evaluation for all AISES projects, serving our youngest students to senior-level professionals. Dr. DeerInWater also engages in research to better understand the impact of AISES and more generally what makes Native people successful in STEM.