Process Communications
November 7, 2018
Montana State University leaders voted today to approve a new strategic plan that will guide the university’s efforts for the next seven years.
The new plan, called “Choosing Promise,” articulates the university’s strategic direction and will serve as its roadmap through 2024. It states the university’s mission, vision and values. It also lists areas of intentional focus and goals, as well as metrics that will be used to measure progress toward those goals and the specific actions needed to help reach them. The plan was approved by MSU’s University Council, which includes members from across the university.
"This plan reflects our proud heritage and proposes a bright future for Montana's land-grant university. As the last plan guided budgets and decisions, this plan will help us to make disciplined decisions about the allocation of the resources entrusted to us," said MSU President Waded Cruzado.
“Choosing Promise” states MSU’s land-grant mission to integrate education, the creation of knowledge and art, and service to communities. The plan details MSU’s vision to “transform lives and communities in the people’s interest” and lists six key values: excellence, integrity, inclusion, collaboration, curiosity and stewardship.
The plan lists three high-level focus areas: transformational learning experiences; research, creative activity and scholarship with impact on lives and society; and engagement with communities.
Some of the plan’s goals include increasing the access to education and success of students from a variety of backgrounds, enhancing graduate education, providing additional evidence-based teaching and learning experiences, strengthening research and creative activity that is responsive to regional and national needs, and increasing interdisciplinary research. The plan also calls for greater responsiveness to Montana's American Indian tribes, strengthened partnerships with communities and organizations within the state, and a collaborative culture on campus.
Specifically, by the year 2024, the plan calls for meeting 80 percent of student financial need, compared to the current 74 percent. It seeks to increase the number of dual enrollment students – those who take college courses while they are still enrolled in high school – by 40 percent. It also seeks to increase the number of 1-year and 2-year degrees and certificates awarded by 50 percent.
The plan calls for increasing the number of new freshmen and transfer students who return their second fall — a measure referred to as student retention — from 72 percent to 85 percent. It also seeks to reduce disparities for students who are economically disadvantaged, first generation students, veterans, adult learners, individuals with disabilities, and students from underrepresented races and ethnicities.
In addition, MSU will foster four “Grand Challenges of Montana” that are responsive to regional and global needs. Those include caring for the environment, promoting wellness in communities, encouraging food and fuel security, and securing the future of Montana. The university plans to define ways to measure success in the grand challenge areas by 2020 and will monitor for demonstrated, research-related improvement by 2024.
The plan outlines a number of metrics and actions related to the university’s work with American Indian students and tribal partners. For example, it calls for building and maintaining an inventory of current partnerships with tribal partners by 2020. It also calls for working closely with partners to develop a plan to improve and increase tribal partnerships with mutually defined outcomes by 25 percent by 2024. By enhancing partnerships with Montana tribal colleges, MSU also seeks to increase the number of tribal college graduates who enroll at MSU by 2024. And the plan calls for completing construction on the American Indian Hall by 2022.
The 10-member Strategic Planning Committee prepared the draft based on the input of hundreds of faculty, staff, students and community members. Feedback was solicited throughout the process over the last 12 months.
Chris Fastnow, chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, expressed gratitude on Wednesday for the work of the committee and for the participation of the community in the planning process.
"The committee made improvements to the plan in response to community feedback throughout the process, even up to the final draft that the council saw,” she said. “We have been so pleased with the level of engagement from our faculty, students, staff and community. The plan is more aspirational and inspirational because of it."
MSU’s current strategic plan, “Mountains and Minds: Learners and Leaders,” has guided the university’s efforts since 2012. Because that plan concludes in 2019, MSU has been developing the next strategic plan over the past year in order to provide continuity of direction and purpose with no gaps between plans, Fastnow said.
The university will begin using “Choosing Promise” in January 2019.
October 5, 2018
Dear Montana State Community,
On Wednesday, the Strategic Planning Committee presented the latest draft of the Strategic Plan to University Council. University Council is now reviewing that draft and asking for your comments before a final vote scheduled for the November 7, 2018 meeting.
SPC has continued to hear from many of you since we posted a draft in September, and the current version includes some changes that are responsive to that feedback, even in the last few weeks. We invite you to review the latest document and submit comments. You can submit feedback on our website, by attending an informational session on October 18 or 29, through this email address, to any SPC member, or to any University Council member.
While the plan has been vetted for many months, there are still ways we can make the plan more compelling, more exciting, and more promising. We hope you will help us.
Of course, not everything we have heard has found its way into the final plan, particularly when we have heard divergent opinions. The SPC was charged with writing a plan informed by the University community that is more focused than the current plan, and we have done our best to be disciplined. Strategic plans require we make choices among good ideas. In this plan, we choose to highlight the things Montana State needs to do better, at scale, or with more intentionality, recognizing that there are many important activities that are not mentioned in the plan that we will continue to do with excellence.
Please take this opportunity to help refine the shape of the plan that will guide us to 2025 and beyond.
Chris Fastnow
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Micah McFeely
Dan Miller
September 17, 2018
Dear Montana State Community:
The Strategic Planning Committee invites you to attend an information session on the draft Strategic Plan we posted September 7. Please join members of the SPC to review the draft and share your comments. Each session will present the same information. You do not need to attend more than one.
Tuesday, September 18th 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. in SUB 233
Wednesday, September 26th 3 – 4 p.m. in SUB 235
Thursday, October 18th 12 – 1 p.m. in SUB 168
Monday, October 29th 9 – 10 a.m. in SUB 233
SPC has been soliciting continuous feedback for the last year, with successive plan drafts reflecting the themes we have heard from the campus community. We will present a final draft plan to University Council on October 3rd, with formal comment period to follow and a final vote, including any revisions, later in the semester. While the fundamental direction described in the plan draft has been vetted for many months, there is still opportunity to make the plan more effective. Please share your suggestions.
You are always encouraged to reach out to members of the SPC, email [email protected], or visit the planning process website to provide your input. We value your participation and insight throughout this process.
Thank you for your active participation throughout this year long planning process.
The plan draft is improved because of you, and together we can improve the future
for Montana State University.
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Dan Miller
September 7, 2018
Dear Montana State Community,
At the beginning of the term, it’s appropriate to look ahead with the end in mind. I invite you to consider not just the future of this term but the long-term future of Montana State by continuing to participate in our strategic planning efforts.
The Strategic Planning Committee has been hard at work this summer assembling all of the input we have received, looking for themes and consensus, and developing metrics and actions that will demonstrate progress on the plan’s goals. We have included these changes in the plan and posted a new draft. You can see online how the drafts have evolved over the last year as we have incorporated changes we heard from you were important. We hope you will see in this draft the desired future of Montana State as we have heard you describe it.
That future is one where our work has impact and is relevant to the needs of our students and state. The plan describes the promise of the land-grant university to transform lives and sustain communities.
While the high level direction described in the plan has been vetted for many months, there are still ways we can make the plan more compelling, more exciting, and more promising. We hope you will help us.
SPC members have all expressed gratitude for the wisdom and attention you have devoted to planning so far. Of course, not everything we have heard will find its way into the final plan, particularly when we have heard divergent opinions. The SPC was charged with writing a plan informed by the University community that is more focused than the current plan, and we have done our best to be disciplined. Strategic plans require we make choices among good ideas. In this plan, we choose to highlight the things Montana State needs to do differently, better, or at scale, recognizing that there are many important activities that are not mentioned in the plan that we will continue to do with excellence.
Over the next two months, we will host a series of informational meetings where we will present the draft content and invite your reflections on it. Look for those dates in MSU Today and in a follow up email. In addition, SPC members stand ready to attend your department, council, or committee meetings at your invitation throughout September and October. You can comment online, and are welcome to reply to this email as well.
Please take this opportunity to help refine the shape of the plan that will guide us to 2025 and beyond. The plan will be introduced for first reading at University Council on October 3, with a final vote later in the semester.
Chris Fastnow
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Dan Miller
May 2, 2018
Dear Montana State Community,
As we prepare to move into our summer schedules, the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) sincerely thanks you for all of the valuable input we have received on drafts of the next strategic plan throughout this year. You have come to listening sessions, left notes at charrettes, sent emails, met with SPC members, talked to your colleagues and neighbors, and submitted online comments. Thank you for participating and giving us honest, critical, and helpful feedback.
We are reflecting on the latest round of feedback, looking for consensus. We have heard general agreement on several elements to which we will make only minor changes in the next draft. These include:
- This new plan will be more specific and focused than the current plan,
- Not all the work we do will be reflected in the Strategic Plan, even though we will continue to do that critical work,
- There is support for the revised mission statement,
- There is general agreement on the Values statements as a whole,
- There is support for the three Areas of Distinction.
We have also heard consensus that there are some areas of the plan that still need work. We expect more will follow as we continue to review your comments from the listening sessions. The SPC will meet throughout the summer on the following tasks:
- Improve the Vision statement to be more aspirational and inspiring,
- Clarify ambiguous language in the Goals to better communicate specific desired outcomes consistently expressed from the November listening sessions on,
- Refine and propose a subset of metrics offered at the charrettes, listening sessions, and SPC meetings to drive progress in support of the Goals and Areas of Distinction,
- Continue reviewing input and incorporate additional improvements.
Please look for an updated draft plan early in the fall, followed by additional opportunities to provide feedback. We intend to finalize the document for University Council review in September and October, with adoption by the University before the current strategic plan expires.
In the meantime, please reach out if you have suggestions for the committee. You can reply to this email, contact any SPC member directly, or use the feedback form online. We value the conversations we have had with individuals and departments and look forward to more invitations to discuss. Together we are designing an even stronger Montana State University.
With gratitude,
Chris Fastnow
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Michael Babcock
Kylar Clifton
Carina Beck
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Dan Miller
April 11, 2018
Dear MSU Faculty, Staff, and Students:
The Strategic Planning Committee is eager to share draft plan language with the MSU community. We have updated the strategic planning process website with the most recent draft language that describes the foundational blocks of the strategic plan. Please take a moment to visit the Current Draft Language page, and then share your feedback on the Your Input link.
As a reminder, later this week, the Strategic Planning Committee will host two design charrettes to gather feedback on the most recent draft of the next strategic plan. These charrettes will take place on Thursday, April 12, 9 am-noon in SUB Ballroom D, and Friday April 13, 2-5 pm in the Alumni Legacy Lounge. These are come-and-go formats with no formal presentation. We have scheduled two time slots to accommodate as many schedules as we can - you do not need to attend both. At the charrette, you will have the opportunity to read and react to proposed language that define specific Areas of Distinction and Goals for the next 3-7 years.
Areas of Distinction define the most important areas on which we need to focus in the next three to seven years to fulfill our mission and vision. The Goals further lend specificity to the Areas of Distinction. There will be additional detail in our metrics and tasks, which the SPC will continue to work on with community input over the next several weeks. You can also use the charrette and the web form to reflect on changes we have proposed in response to earlier comments on the draft Mission, Vision, and Values.
The Strategic Planning Committee has been working this academic year with constituents across the University to collect input on the strategic direction for Montana State over the next several years, with participation from hundreds of faculty members, students, staff members, and the local community. At this point, we have distilled what we have heard and present it back to you for reflection and further input.
In addition to the charrette and web form opportunities, you may also provide your feedback by emailing [email protected], or contact any member of the SPC. We want to hear from you!
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Kylar Clifton
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Dan Miller
April 4, 2018
Dear Montana State Community,
You are invited to a design charrette on draft language for the University's next strategic plan:
Thursday, April 12, 9 am-noon in SUB Ballroom D or Friday April 13, 2-5 pm in the Alumni Legacy Lounge
The Strategic Planning Committee invites members of the Montana State community to give feedback and direction on new language for the University's next strategic plan at a design charrette. This is a come-and-go forum with no formal presentation. We have scheduled two time slots to accommodate as many schedules as we can - you do not need to attend both. At the charrette, you will have the opportunity to read and react to proposed language that define specific Areas of Focus and Goals for the next three to seven years.
Areas of Focus define the most important needs of MSU in the next three to seven years. The Goals further lend specificity to the Areas of Focus. There will be additional detail in our metrics and tasks, which the Strategic Planning Committee will continue to work on with community input over the next several weeks. You can also use the charrette to reflect on changes we have proposed in response to earlier comments on the draft Mission, Vision, and Values.
The Strategic Planning Committee has been working this academic year with constituents across the University to collect input on the strategic direction for Montana State over the next several years, with participation from hundreds of faculty members, students, staff members, and the local community. At this point, we have distilled what we have heard and present it back to you for reflection and further input.
In addition to the charrette opportunities, you may also provide your feedback on the SPC's website, email [email protected], or contact any member of the SPC. Check the website next week for the newest draft language. We want to hear from you!
Many thanks for your thoughtful input.
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Kylar Clifton
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Dan Miller
February 15, 2018
Dear MSU Colleagues,
The MSU Strategic Planning Committee is excited to share its initial draft language for some foundational pieces of the next strategic plan: an updated MSU vision, mission, and core principles.
We know this is not the final language. We are sharing this version, developed after interviews and listening sessions with hundreds of you, as part of the continual feedback process being facilitated by Springboard International. The process encourages all members of the MSU community to contribute to the strategic planning process. We invite you to read the drafts and respond in the next three weeks. The members of SPC are keenly interested in your feedback.
The Mission should describe WHAT we do at Montana State, the Vision describes WHY we do what we do, and the Principles define HOW we do what we do. These should all be enduring statements that would still fit in seven to ten years. Have we captured them? In particular, are there certain principles that are more important to elevate than others we are proposing?
As we receive feedback on the draft mission, vision, and principles, the members of SPC are fleshing out Areas of Focus, which may last for the next three to seven years, with specific Goals that help define those Areas. We will get those in front of you for feedback soon. A full draft will be available for comment this spring, with final adoption of the revised plan expected in the Fall.
As always, if you want to further participate in the strategic planning process, please visit the SPC website, reach out to any member of the SPC individually, or reply to this email address. We are happy to come to your meetings or visit one on one. The plan will be best if it is informed by your involvement, insight, and experience.
Many thanks for your thoughtful input!
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee:
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Kylar Clifton
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Dan Miller
December 15, 2017
Dear MSU Faculty and Staff,
Thank you to the more than 150 people who attended listening sessions at the end of November to help set direction for the university in Montana State's next strategic plan. There are many more opportunities to participate in the planning process, and I am writing today - as we wind down the semester and turn our thoughts to other things - to let you know about one of them, a website where the Strategic Planning Committee will post current planning information and documents and collect feedback from our university community - on campus and off, in Bozeman and throughout the state.
Please take a few minutes to visit the Strategic Planning Process webpages, and review the themes that emerged from those listening sessions, then click to the Your Input page and tell us if we have missed a big picture item or if you want to underline one already on the list. This is the time to think about broad Areas of Focus that MSU needs to work on in order to be successful over the next five to seven years. What do we need to keep doing very well or start doing better?
We will keep this opportunity open into the beginning of the Spring semester. Later in January, the SPC will share some draft vision, mission, and values language for your review and critique. Then we will return to the Areas of Focus and more specific action items, with your help.
You are also always welcome to email or call any SPC member or email [email protected].
Thank you for thinking about MSU's future as we close the semester. The plan, and MSU's success, will be stronger with your help.
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Kylar Clifton
Tami Eitle
Ian Godwin
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Bergstedt Lasso
Dan Miller
November 6, 2017
MSU Faculty, Students, and Staff,
Montana State University's strategic plan, Mountains and Minds: Learners and Leaders has been our guiding document in planning, budgeting, and assessment for the last five years. Last month the visiting accreditation team from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities commended Montana State's reliance on the plan, and we have posted the latest progress report online.
The current strategic plan concludes in 2019. We are beginning work on the next strategic plan now in order to provide continuity of direction and purpose with no gaps between plans. To that end, I have convened a small Strategic Planning Committee to guide the planning process. They will not write the plan - we all share that responsibility. The Strategic Planning Committee is charged with soliciting your input, assembling diverse viewpoints, and discovering common themes and desires for our University's future. Your voice must be heard for this plan to be effective.
The committee is not able to be representative of our university community by position, department or title; there is no way that a small committee could be. So I ask that you respond when they ask, actively reach out to them, and thoughtfully consider what you believe is important to MSU's future. Members of the committee need to hear from you.
Members of the SPC are:
Michael Babcock
Carina Beck
Kylar Clifton
Tami Eitle
Alison Harmon
Yves Idzerda
Megan Lasso
Dan Miller
I have asked Chris Fastnow, Director of Planning and Analysis, to chair the SPC, and Ian Godwin, Assistant Director of Planning Analysis, to provide support. They will also be working with Springboard International, which is providing advice and strategic planning expertise to help us complete and adopt the new strategic plan by the end of 2018 for a seamless transition.
The committee has just begun to lay the groundwork for planning by conducting a SWOT analysis and collectively conducting about 100 initial interviews. Right after Thanksgiving, they will host a week-long series of listening sessions to begin review of our mission, vision, and values. Throughout the winter, they will continue to solicit campus and community input in a variety of formats to allow for broad participation. Please watch for announcements and invitations, and don't hesitate to reach out to any of the committee members. You can email them individually or at [email protected].
Thank you to the SPC for doing the heavy lifting, and thank you to all of you for writing the plan. Together we will build and even stronger and brighter future for Montana State!

Waded Cruzado
President, Montana State University