Montana School Wellness in Action Newsletter Issue 5: Spring 2020
Montana Cook Fresh Leadership Institute 2020
July 27-31 | Bozeman, MT
Want to enhance your school nutrition management and culinary skills? This week-long management and culinary class is designed for attendees to meet the following goals: Sharpen your knowledge and skills on a variety of management topics from procurement through service; enhance food production and culinary skills; learn to incorporate more from scratch meals using USDA Foods, fresh, and local foods; increase your understanding of merchandising, behavioral cues, farm to school, and school wellness policy.
Food service directors, managers, and head cooks are invited to join. Preference is given to schools participating in the 2020 Montana Cook Fresh Quality School Meals Initiative.
This same workshop was offered in the summers of 2018 and 2019. The cost for the class is $250.00/person. Registration includes: Training materials, chef uniform, 4 lunch meals, 5 daily parking passes. Free lodging at MSU dormitory is optional for attendees. Register early as space is limited.
For questions, contact Katie Bark at [email protected] or (406) 994-5641.
Montana School Wellness Assessment Report Survey
Is it time to refresh your school wellness policy?
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child - CDC Model
The Montana School Wellness Assessment Report Survey is an online tool which:
- evaluates your current school wellness policy
- generates a report that can be shared with key stakeholders, the public and the Office of Public Instruction
- helps your team identify school wellness goals
Completing this report will help you meet the USDA school wellness policy requirements (including the three year assessment). Visit School Wellness Policy Assessment Tool to find and complete the survey.
Resources to create a strong district wellness policy:
- Montana School Wellness in Action Step by Step Guide
- School Wellness Policy Resources
- CDC Virtual Healthy School Strategies
School Wellness Regional Workshop!
Postponed - to be held virtually this year
Join us for this FREE webinar to learn how a local school wellness policy can fuel students to learn and behave better and support staff in creating healthy school environments.
Montana Team Nutrition Program
More information available at
Montana Team Nutrition Program is at Montana State University and works incooperation with the Montana Office of Public Instruction. The USDA is an equalopportunity provider.
OPI Teacher Learning Hub: Local School Wellness Policy
Are you interested in learning more about the requirements surrounding a school wellness policy?
Now available through the Teacher Learning Hub - Local School Wellness Policy. The Office of Public Instruction’s School Nutrition Programs designed a course to help participants better understand federal wellness regulations and approach school wellness more effectively. Offering a concentrated source of helpful resources, this course will aid districts in meeting requirements. The material can be covered in one hour, and provides one hour of continuing education credit.
Visit the Teacher Learning Hub and search "Local School Wellness Policy" to enroll.
Montana Farm to School Summit
September 23-24, 2020 | Helena, MT
Learn and share how schools and programs are practicing farm to school initiatives across Montana. Dig deeper into the core elements of farm to school, which includes serving local foods, school gardens, nutrition, agriculture, and food education. Workshops, experiential learning, and networking opportunities will provide inspiration, ideas, and resources for all people interested in farm to school. Mark your calendar for the 2020 Montana Farm to School Summit: Digging Deeper, to be held onSeptember 23-24at the Best Western Great Northern in Helena. Registration will open soon!
All individuals interested in farm to school programs are encouraged to attend.
For questions, contact Aubree Roth,Montana Farm to School Coordinator at [email protected]or (406) 994-5996.
Build the Rainbow SaladBar Checklist
Is your school wellness team looking to improve your salad bar? Look no further than the Build the Rainbow Salad Bar Checklist.
This school wellness tool uses five proven strategies to get kids excited about their lunchroom salad bar. Enhancing your salad bar using the checklist is an easy way to encourage kids to make healthy choices and reduce food waste in the lunchroom.
Tips for creating a smarter salad bar:
- Use appealing signage that promotes menu variety
- The salad bar offers at least four different colors of vegetables
- Allow students to take whole, fresh fruit, out of the lunchroom for an afternoon snack
- Limit food waste by using child-sized serving utensils
- Engage students in growing garden items to include in the salad bar
Learn More and download
the Rainbow Salad Bar Checklist.
For questions, contact Molly Stenberg,
at [email protected]or (406) 994-7217.
Are you ready to spring into farm to school?
Explore successful examples and discover resources at the Montana Farm to School Regional Showcase in Hardin on May 6.
Printable PDF version of the Montana School Wellness in Action Newsletter Spring 2020 Issue!