EPA Region 8 contains a vast and rugged geography of mountains, plains and broad river valleys, but it also supports an equally diverse set of economic sectors, environmental legacies and decarbonization challenges. The region’s social landscapes are similarly diverse, with environmental justice, energy justice and just transition challenges present in tribal communities; well-established Latino communities; dispersed rural ranching and agricultural geographies; rural extraction- and mining-dependent communities; and fast-growing resort and urban locations that attract migrants and their cultural traditions from around the world, to name just a few.

With funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy, an Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) is being established at Montana State University to help communities and tribal nations in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Beginning in spring 2024, TCTAC professionals and their partner will provide training and other technical assistance with such tasks as navigating federal grant application systems, developing strong grant proposals and effectively managing grant funding for projects that program participants have identified to solve problems in their communities. The TCTAC also will provide guidance on community engagement, meeting facilitation, and translation and interpretation for participants who speak limited English.


These partner organizations will assist the Montana State University TCTAC in providing services to program participants. 


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Colorado State University Center for Environmental Justice

Montana State University Extension

Colorado State University Extension

Utah State University Extension

University of Wyoming Extension

North Dakota State University Extension

South Dakota State University Extension

Montana State University Continuing Professional and Lifelong Learning

Montana State University Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity

Montana Water Center at Montana State University

Resources and Communities Research Group at Montana State University

Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University

Prevention Research Center at Colorado State University

Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy

The Center for Social Creativity

Milken Institute Community Infrastructure Center

Environmental Protection Network

Just and Equitable Transition Network

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Green Latinos

Save Energy Coalition