SmartBuyMSU provides a comprehensive solution for purchasing, contracting, receiving invoices, and issuing payments. The platform streamlines the procurement process, improving efficiency and enabling campus departments to access all relevant documents. We will be using these four modules: eProcurement,Invoicing, Supplier Management, and Contracts +.

Paperless Invoicing

SmartBuyMSU Invoicing will boost efficiency, increase visibility and control over payment processes, and facilitate the move to paperless invoicing.

-Fewer late payment penalties, ensuring prompt payment discounts  

-Less data entry errors causing duplicate or incorrect payments  

-Touchless eInvoicing, paper to digital invoice OCR scanning  

-Configurable workflows for access, compliance, matching and approvals  

Central Supplier Management

SmartBuyMSU Supplier Management will maintain all supplier data in a central cloud-based repository, providing one location for all data entry, searching, and reporting. This means improved data consistency, depth, and accuracy and accessibility by all MUS units.

-Automatic vendor driven onboarding, eliminating manual time-consuming process.  

-Full integration with eProcurement and Invoicing  


Contract Management

SmartBuyMSU Contracts + will provide a central repository for all MSU campuses and will allow for increased usage of already pre-bid contracts, eliminating duplicative efforts.

-Contract authoring tool to ensure proper information is included, and legal provisions remain intact  

-Fully integrating with current e-signature tool, DocuSign  

-Visibility on all available contracts and automatic notifications for renewals 

Guided Procurement

SmartBuyMSU eProcurement will simplify the buying process to improve spend management across all MSU campuses and enable MSU to influence buying decisions.

-Promoted contracted suppliers to increase contract compliance 

-Guided buying to ensure resource engagement and completion of all required procurement forms.

-Increased speed of requisition creation, approval and submittal