Heating Plant & Utility Tunnel Access
Heating Plant Guidlines and Forms
University Facilities Management operates the central Heating Plant and associated utility tunnels. These areas are an active working environment and the infrastructure is critical to the academic and research mission of MSU. University Facilities Management is committed to supporting student success at MSU and will provide access to the Heating Plant and utility tunnels for academic use such as filming, drawing or other.
Due to the nature of this active working environment, University Facilities Management asks that MSU Students and Faculty review the following general guidelines.
General Access
- Access to the Heating Plant or utility tunnels that is not directly supervised by
University Facilities Management (i.e. tunnel tour lead by University Facilities Management)
must be approved by one of the following University Facilities Management personnel:
- Megan Sterl, Engineering & Utilities Manager, 406-994-6544, [email protected]
- Bill Sullivan, Heating Plant Supervisor, 406-994-5453
- Access to the Heating Plant or utility tunnels should be requested and coordinated no less than 1 week prior to access date.
- Students must complete the access request form below and obtain the required signatures.
- |This is where the digital form will go|