You can direct any questions, concerns or comments to: [email protected] 

Did you know when 0.10 inch of rain falls on our campus that equals over 14 million gallons of water? 

Did you know that MSU has working examples of Low Impact Development (LID) strategies in-the-ground and functioning across campus? 

Did you know that approximately 60% of our stormwater is treated before it is released to receiving waters? 

Stormwater Management is a Federal program which grew out of the Clean Water Act.  The Federal Government delegated the responsibility to administer the program to States.  In Montana, the State delegates parts of that responsibility to local governments through a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit (MS4). The State of Montana Department of Environmental Quality General MS4 Permit for stormwater operations can be found here-

General MS4 Permit


As a listed co-permittee on the City of Bozeman’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit (MS4), Montana State University has an active role in protecting and enhancing our community’s waterways. MSU’s stormwater system is integrated into the City’s, and cooperation and coordination are critical in maintaining functionality as well as realizing potential improvements.  As part of a rapidly growing community MSU’s stormwater decisions affect the community at large and the infrastructure that supports the community we share.  To minimize negative impacts MSU’s stormwater general stormwater management strategy is to reduce water quantity introduced into the stormwater infrastructure and increase water quality of water that does flow into the system. The strategy is realized and monitored through the Minimum Control Measures (MCM) contained within the General Permit.  Those MCM’s are–

MCM 1 – Public Education and Outreach

MCM 2 – Public Involvement and participation

MCM 3 – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

MCM 4 – Construction Site Stormwater Management

MCM 5 – Post-Construction Stormwater management

MCM 6 – Pollution prevention/Good Housekeeping

Progress in meeting these MCM’s is documented through the Annual Reports required under the general permit.  MSU’s Annual Reports can be found here-

*Link not yet available*


Using the MS4 permit and associated requirements as a guide, the City and MSU have developed a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP can be found here-


To learn more about our Community’s Stormwater Program visit the City of Bozeman Stormwater website-


To learn more about the State of Montana’s Stormwater program visit-

Stormwater Information - Program Overview | Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) (


To learn more about MSU’s Stormwater Program we bring the program to you-

Current offerings include:

  • Walking tours* of the MSU stormwater infrastructure
  • Guest lectures* on MSU’s stormwater and water management programs
  • Self-guided signage tours at American Indian Hall and Headwaters Residential complex

*Tours and lectures are customizable to fit your interests and your time.


Get involved (new opportunities added as they are scheduled)

  • Custom learning projects for academic classes
  • Participate in Campus Clean Up Day (annual event two weeks before Spring Graduation)

To learn more about MSU’s stormwater system, to get more involved in our program, or to comment on your stormwater observations please contact [email protected]

Fun Facts

  • Stormwater compliance is a regulatory requirement
  • All stormwater eventually ends up in our natural waterways
  • Mandeville Creek and Bozeman Creek are the receiving waters for MSU’s storm water
  • There are 14 outfalls from the MSU stormwater piping system into Mandeville Creek
  • MSU’s stormwater enters Bozeman Creek through the City’s stormwater piping system
  • MSU is responsible for repairs and maintenance of the stormwater system within our boundaries
  • Over 16 miles of pipe convey MSU’s stormwater to the City stormwater system
  • There are approximately 225 inlets in MSU’s stormwater system
  • There are over 160 service manholes in MSU’s stormwater system