New and Revised Policy Development

Members of the MSU community propose a new or revised policy by following the steps outlined below.

  1. The individual or work group will communicate with University Compliance.
    1. A proposal for a new policy includes the issue concerned and the general strategy for how the policy will address the issue. This could be a short email or attached document.
    2. A proposal for revision should include the proposed changes, the reasoning for the changes, and justification for immediate action, rather than waiting for the next review period.
  2. The University Compliance will consult with the department head or director and other interested parties to determine if the proposal should be developed or alternatively:
    1. added to an existing policy;
    2. implemented by a policy already in place;
    3. it violates existing policy, regulations or law;
    4. or other reasoning for not moving forward with development.
  3. If a proposal moves forward, the individual or work group will work with the department head or director and/or the University Compliance to draft the proposed policy, including designation of a responsible party.
  4. University Compliance will address the proposed policy with the responsible Executive Officer and legal counsel.
  5. University Compliance will either remand the proposal to the work group/responsible party for approval or progress the proposal through the approval process outlined in section 240.00 of the Operating Policy.

Informational Items

Minor or routine changes to policy or changes mandated by state or federal law or the Board of Regents may be made after consultation with and approval by the policy's responsible party. Minor or routine changes may include items such as updating a title, department name, correction of hyperlinks, or correcting typographical errors. These may appear and be explained during the campus’ established forum as Informational Items.

A minor or routine change to a policy which does include substantive changes does not have to be voted on and approved by the campus’ forum.