Reviewing policy drafts

We are now using Sharepoint documents to review Policy. Be welcome to comment in the document itself or send your comments, recommendations or questions to [email protected]

I am not seeing any changes or comments. Can it be fixed?

We have seen a few issues like this. Here are two ways you may be able to see the red-line changes and comment on the Policy draft itself.

Possible solution #1: show comments and show all markup on page

Once you have a document open in your web browser, check under the "Review" tab and make sure "Show Comments" and "Markup view >> Markup on Page (All Markup)" are all turned on. That should show you all the red-line changes and any comments currently in the document.

explained before image.

Solution #1 visual steps

Possible solution #2: open in desktop

Sometimes the options in solution #1 will not be available, so try this method instead.

Once you have the document open in your web browser, click the Open in Desktop link. You will be asked to confirm you want to open the document in your computer's version of Word. Once you accept, you should see the shared version of the document in Word on your computer, where you can make comments and they will end up in the shared document.

image explained in above paragraph

Solution #2 visual steps