Sinea sp.
This is an assassin bug in the genus Sinea. It is an immature, called a nymph. Assassin bugs are true bugs that use their forelegs to grab their prey, much like a preying mantis would, and then feed using their long beaks that are designed to pierce another insect's hard exoskeleton to ingest their fluid innards. There are currently 13 known species of assassin bugs in the genus Sinea, all of which can be found in North and Central America.
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Reduviidae
Species: Sinea sp., probably Sinea diadema
Photograph: © 2012 RKD Peterson
Date of Photograph: 24 July 2012
Location: Montana, Gallatin Co. (45o43'41" N 111o08'11" W)