Polistes dominula
Polistes dominula is also known as the European paper wasp. It is a non-native invasive species in North America. The larva eats small insect parts that have been brought to them by adults. The adult feeds on nectar and pollen. This species is so successful in non-native environments because the larvae have generalist diets. Other larvae of the Polistes genus are limited to consuming caterpillars as their primary food source. Larvae of this species have been recorded feeding on insects belonging to three different insect orders including caterpillars.
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Vespidae
Species: Polistes dominula
Photograph: © 2012 RKD Peterson
Date of Photograph: 21 June 2012
Location: Montana, Gallatin Co. (45o43'41" N 111o08'11" W)