- K.L. McCarthy and J.D. Seymour. "A fundamental approach for therelationship between the Bostwick measurement and Newtonian fluidviscosity." Journal of Texture Studies. 24 (1): 1-10.1993.
- J.D. Seymour, J.E. Maneval, K.L. McCarthy, M.J. McCarthy and R.L.Powell. "NMR velocity phase encoded measurements of fibrous suspensions."Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics. 5 (11): 3010-3012. 1993.
- R.K. Lambert, S.L. Codd, R.J. Pack et al. "Sub-Mucosal Stiffness and Airway Collapse" American Review of Respiratory Disease 147 (4): A451-A451 Suppl. S Apr 1993
- T.Q. Li, J.D. Seymour, R.L. Powell, M.J. McCarthy, K.L. McCarthy and L. Odberg. "Visualization of the flow patterns of cellulose fiber suspensions by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging." AIChE Journal . 40 (8): 1408-1411. 1994.
- T.Q. Li, J.D. Seymour, R.L. Powell, K.L. McCarthy, L. Odberg and M.J. McCarthy. "Turbulent flow studied by time averaged NMR imaging: measurements of velocity profile and turbulent intensity." Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 12 (6): 923-934. 1994.
- K.L. McCarthy and J.D. Seymour. "Gravity current analysis of the Bostwick consistometer for power law fluids." Journal of Texture Studies.25 (2): 207-220. 1994.
- R.L. Powell, J.E. Maneval, J.D. Seymour, K.L. McCarthy and M.J. McCarthy. "Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging for viscosity measurements." Journal of Rheology. 38 (5): 1465-1470. 1994.
- S.L. Codd, R.J. Pack, R.K. Lambert and M.R. Alley. "Tensile stiffness of ovine tracheal wall." J. Appl. Physiol. 76: 2627-2635. 1994.
- R.K. Lambert, S.L. Codd, R.J. Pack and M.R. Alley. "Physical determinants of bronchial mucosal folding." J. Appl. Physiol. 77: 1206-1216. 1994.
- J.D. Seymour, J.E. Maneval, K.L. McCarthy, R.L. Powell and M.J. McCarthy. "Rheological characterization of fluids using NMR velocity spectrum measurements." Journal of Texture Studies. 26 (1): 89-101. 1995.
- J.D. Seymour and P.T. Callaghan. "'Flow-diffraction' structuralcharacterization and measurement of hydrodynamic dispersion in porousmedia by PGSE NMR." Journal of Magnetic Resonance Ser. A. 122: 90-93. 1996.
- M.J.D. Mallett, S.L. Codd, M.R. Halse, T.A.P. Green and J.H. Strange. "Three-dimensional NMR imaging using large oscillating field gradients." J. Magn. Reson. 119: 105-110. 1996.
- S.L. Codd, M.J.D. Mallett, M.R. Halse, J.H. Strange, W. Vennart and T. Van Doorn. "A Three-dimensional NMR Imaging Scheme utilising doubly-resonant gradient coils." J. Magn. Reson. 113: 214-221. 1996.
- B. Manz, J.D. Seymour and P.T. Callaghan. "PGSE NMR measurements of convection in a capillary." Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 125: 153-158. 1997.
- J.D. Seymour, and P.T. Callaghan. "A generalized approach to the measurement of flow and dispersion in a porous medium using nuclear magnetic resonance." AIChE Journal. 43: 2096-2111. 1997.
- P.T. Callaghan, C.D. Eccles and J.D. Seymour. "An Earth's field NMR apparatus suitable for pulsed gradient spin echo measurements of diffusion under Antarctic conditions." Reviews of Scientific Instruments. 68: 4263-4270. 1997.
- P.T. Callaghan, C.D. Eccles, T.G. Haskell, P.J. Langhorne and J.D. Seymour. "Earth's field NMR in Antarctica: A pulsed gradient spin echo NMR study of restricted diffusion in sea ice." Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 133: 148-154. 1998.
- S.L. Codd and P.T. Callaghan. "Generalised Treatment of Modulated Gradient Spin Echo Attenuation for Restricted Diffusion in Spherical Pores." In: Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance: Methods and applications in Materials Science, Agriculture and Biomedicine, Eds. B.Blümich, P.Blümler, R.Botto and E. Fukushima. (VCH, Weinheim) Chap. 47, 489-497. 1998.
- P.T. Callaghan and S.L. Codd. "Generalised calculation of NMR imaging edge effects arising from restricted diffusion in porous media." Magn. Reson. Imaging16: 471-478. 1998.
- J.D. Seymour, B. Manz and P.T. Callaghan. "Pulsed gradient spin echo NMR measurements of hydrodynamic instabilities with coherent structure: Taylor vortices. " Physics of Fluids. 11 (5): 1104-1113. 1999.
- P.T. Callaghan, R. Dykstra, C.D. Eccles, T.G. Haskell, J.D. Seymour, "A nuclear magnetic resonance study of Antarctic sea ice brine diffusivity." Cold Regions Science And Technology. 29 (2): 153-171. 1999.
- P.T. Callaghan, S.L. Codd and J.D. Seymour. "Spatial coherence phenomena arising from translational spin motion in gradient spin echo experiments." Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. 11: 181-202. 1999.
- S.L. Codd, B. Manz, J.D. Seymour and P.T. Callaghan. "Taylor dispersion and molecular displacements in poiseuille flow." Physical Review E. 60 (4): R3491-R3494. 1999.
- S.L. Codd and P.T. Callaghan. "Spin echo analysis of restricted diffusion under generalized gradient waveforms: planar, cylindrical and spherical pores, with wall relaxtivity." J. Magn. Reson.147: 358-372. 1999.
- J.D. Seymour, A. Caprihan, S.A. Altobelli, and E. Fukushima, "Pulsed gradient spin echo nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of diffusion in granular flow." Physical Review Letters. 84 (2): 266-269. 2000.
- A. Caprihan and J.D. Seymour, "Correlation time and diffusion coefficient imaging: Application to a granular flow system." Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 144: 96-107. 2000.
- R. Kimmich, A. Klemm, M. Weber, and J. D. Seymour, "Flow, Diffusion, Dispersion, and Thermal Convection in Percolation Clusters: NMR Experiments and Numerical FEM/FVM Simulations." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 651: T2.7. 2001.
- P.T. Callaghan and S.L. Codd. "Flow coherence in a bead pack observed using Frequency Domain Modulated Gradient NMR." Phys. Fluids13: 421-427. 2001.
- V. Z-H. Chan, S. L. Codd, M. J. van der Helm, J. P. Spatz, C. Roecker, G. U. Nienhaus, S. Levi, F. C. J. M. van Veggel, D. N. Reinhoudt and M. Moeller. "Sub-10 nm gold nanoarrays for tethering single molecules" Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 676. 2001.
- S.L. Codd and S. A. Altobelli. "A PGSE study of propane gas flow through model porous bead packs." J. Magn. Reson163 16-22. 2003.
- R. Meder, S.L. Codd, R.A. Franich, P.T. Callaghan, and J.M. Pope, "Observation of anisotropic water movement in radiata pine sapwood above fibre saturation using magnetic resonance micro-imaging" Wood Science and Technology.61 251-256. 2003.
- S.D. Beyea, S.L. Codd, D.O. Kuethe, E. Fukushima, "Studies of porous media by thermally polarized gas NMR: current status" Magn. Reson. Imaging21: 201-215. 2003.
- J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, E.L. Gjersing and P.S. Stewart, "Magnetic resonance microscopy of biofilm structure and impact on transport in a capillary bioreactor." Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 167: 322-327. 2004.
- J.D. Seymour, J.P. Gage, Sarah L. Codd and R. Gerlach, "Anomalous fluid transport in porous media induced by biofilm growth." Physical Review Letters, 93: 198103 2004.
- E.L. Gjersing, S.L. Codd, J.D. Seymour and P.S. Stewart, "Magnetic resonance microscopy analysis of advective transport in a biofilm reactor." Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 89(7): 822-834. 2005.
- G.R. Cokelet, J.R. Brown, S.L. Codd, and J.D. Seymour, "Magnetic resonance microscopy determined velocity and hematocrit distributions in a Couette viscometer", Biorheology. 42 (5): 385-399. 2005.
- S.L. Codd, J.D. Seymour, E.L. Gjersing, J.P. Gage, and J.R. Brown, “Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Biofilm and Bioreactor Transport” in “NMR Imaging in Chemical Engineering”, Siegfried Stapf (Editor), Song-I Han (Editor), Wiley, USA 2006
- J.D. Seymour, J.P. Gage, S.L. Codd, R. Gerlach “Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Biofouling Induced Scale Dependent Transport in Porous Media" Advances in Water Resources, 30(6-7):1408-1420 (2007)
- P. Stewart, Suriani Abdul Rani , E.Gjersing, S.L. Codd, Z. Zheng, B. Pitts “Observations of Cell Cluster Hollowing in Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilms” Letters in Applied Microbiology, 44(4): 454-457 (2007)
- Suci PA, Berglund DL, Liepold L, Brumfield S, Pitts B, Davison W, Oltrogge L, Hoyt KO, Codd S, Stewart PS, Young M, Douglas T
- "High-density targeting of a viral multifunctional nanoplatform to a pathogenic, biofilm-forming bacterium" Chem Biol 2007 Apr;14(4):387-398
- S.L. Codd, D.T. Howe, J.D. Seymour, E.H. Werre, S.C. Busse, and E.S. Peterson, "Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Heterogeneity in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes", Applied Magnetic Resonance, 32(1-2): 13-24. 2007.
- J.R. Brown, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, E.O. Fridjonsson, G.R. Cokelet, and M.Nyden, "Dynamics of the Solid and Liquid Phases in Dilute Sheared Brownian Suspensions: Irreversibility and Particle Migration" Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 240602 (2007) (Highlighted in Physical Review Focus)
- S.L. Codd, S. A. Altobelli, J.D. Seymour, J.R. Brown and E.O. Fridjonsson“Solid Liquid Particulate Suspensions - Gravitational and Viscous Transport” in “Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Advances in Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance”, S.L. Codd (Editor), J.D. Seymour (Editor), Wiley-VCH 2008
- R.S. Maier, M.R. Schure, J.P. Gage, J.D. Seymour, “Sensitivity of pore-scale dispersion to the construction of random bead packs.” Water Resources Research44(6): W06S03. 2008.
- J.A. Hornemann, A. A. Lysova, S. L. Codd, J. D. Seymour, J. R. Brown, P. S. Stewart , S.C. Busse “Biopolymer and water dynamics in microbial biofilm extracellular polymeric substance” Biomacromolecules 9, 2223-2228, 2008
- J.D. Seymour and S. L. Codd, "Using magnetic resonance to measure the interplay of structure and transport in porous media." Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1081. Melville, NY 2008.
- Hornemann, J.A., Codd, S.L., Seymour, J.D., Romanenko, K.V. Magnetic Resonance Microscopy application to Biofouling in Porous Media. Diffusion Fundamentals10 1.1 - 1.3 2009
- J.A. Hornemann, S.L. Codd, R. Fell, P.S. Stewart and J.D. Seymour, “Secondary Flow Mixing due to Biofilm Growth in Capillaries of Varying Dimensions”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 103(2): 353-360. 2009.
- T.R. Brosten, S.L. Codd, K.V. Romanenko, S. Sofie, and J.D. Seymour, “Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Analysis of Transport in a Novel Tape Cast Porous Ceramic", AIChE Journal 55(10) 2506-2514. 2009.
- J.R. Brown, E.O. Fridjonsson, J.D. Seymour and S.L. Codd, “NMR measurement of shear-induced particle migration in Brownian suspensions”, Physics of Fluids 21(9) 093301. 2009.
- T.R. Brosten, S.L. Codd, R.S. Maier, and J.D. Seymour, “Dynamic length scale characterization and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of transport in open cell foams”. Physical Review Letters 103, 218001 2009.
- T.R. Brosten, E.O. Fridjonsson, S.L. Codd, and J.D. Seymour, “Transport of colloidal particles in a porous open cell foam.” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 349; 384–391 2010.
- A.L. Broadbent, R.J. Fell, S.L. Codd, K.A. Lightley, S Konagurthu, D.G. Koehler-King, and J.D. Seymour, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Relaxometry to Study Water Transport Mechanisms in a Commercially Available Gastrointestinal Therapeutic System (GITS) Tablet”. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 397(1-2): 27-35 2010
- C. Lepper, P.J.B. Edwards, E. Schuster, J.R. Brown, R. Dykstra, P.T. Callaghan and M.A.K. Williams, Rheo-NMR studies of the behavior of a nematic liquid crystal in a low-shear-rate regime: measuring critical shear-rates governing the transition from director alignment to reorientation, Physical Review E, 82 041712. 2010.
- J.R. Brown and P.T. Callaghan, Measurement of Vorticity Diffusion by NMR Microscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 204:p. 21-25, 2010.
- Bruno Medronho, Jennifer Brown, Maria Graa Miguel, Claudia Schmidt, Ulf Olsson and Petrik Galvosas, Planar Lamellae and Onions: A Spatially Resolved Rheo-NMR Approach to the Shear-Induced Structural Transformations in a Surfactant Model System, Soft Matter, 2010, under review.
- E.O. Fridjonsson, J.D. Seymour, S.L.Codd and G.R. Cokelet, “Dynamic NMR microscopy measurement of the dynamics and flow partitioning of colloidal particles in a bifurcation”, Experiments in Fluids. 50(5): 1335-1347 (2011).
- E.O. Fridjonsson, J.D. Seymour, L.N. Schultz, R. Gerlach, A.B. Cunningham and S.L. Codd, “NMR measurement of hydrodynamic dispersion in porous media subject to biofilm mediated precipitation reactions”, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.120-121:79-88 (2011).
- E.O. Fridjonsson, D. Bernin, J.D. Seymour, M. Nydén and S.L. Codd, “PGSE NMR Measurement of Hydrodynamic Dispersion in b-lactoglobulin gels”, European Physical Journal E 34: 29 (2011).
- E.M. Rassi, S.L. Codd and J.D. Seymour, “Nuclear magnetic resonance characterization of the stationary dynamics of partially saturated media during steady state infiltration flow”New Journal of Physics 13 015007 (2011)
- S.L. Codd, S.J. Vogt, J.A. Hornemann, A.J. Phillips, J.E. Maneval, K.R. Romanenko, L. Hansen, A.B. Cunningham, J.D. Seymour, “NMR Relaxation Measurements of Biofouling in Model and Geological Porous Media.” Organic Geochemistry42: 965–971 (2011)
- T.R. Brosten, S.L. Codd, R.S. Maier and J.D. Seymour "Hydrodynamic dispersion in open cell polymer foam" Phys. Fluids 23, 093105 (2011)
- J.E.Maneval, D. Bernin, H.T. Fabich, J.D. Seymour and S.L. Codd, “Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Capillary Formation Reaction Front Dynamics in Alginate Gels” Magn. Reson. Chem. 49, 627–640, (2011)`
- E.M. Rassi, J.D. Seymour, and S.L. Codd “MR measurement of Critical Phase Transition Dynamics and Supercritical Fluid Dynamics in Capillary and Porous Media Flow" Journal of Magnetic Resonance 214 309–314(2012)
- A.L. Broadbent, J.M. Mullin, S.L. Codd, J.D. Dockery and J.D. Seymour, “Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurement and Simulation of Two-Fluid Taylor Vortex Flow in a Vertically Oriented Taylor-Couette Device” Appl Magn Reson 42:137–152(2012).
- L.Q. Evertz, E.M. Rassi, J.R.M. Kennedy, S.L. Codd, and J.D. Seymour “Oscillatory flow phenomena in simple and complex fluids”, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 42:211–225 (2012) .
- H.T. Fabich, S.J. Vogt, M.L. Sherick, J.D. Seymour, J.R. Browna, M.J. Franklin and S.L. Codd “Microbial and Algal Alginate Gelation Characterized by Magnetic Resonance”, Journal of Biotechnology 161 pp.320-327 (2012).
- S.J. Vogt, B.D. Stewart, J.D. Seymour, B.M. Peyton and S.L.Codd “Detection of Biological Uranium Reduction using Magnetic Resonance” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(4),877-883, (2012)
- T.R. Brosten, S.J. Vogt, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, and R.S. Maier, “Preasymptotic hydrodynamic dispersion as a quantitative probe of permeability” Physical Review E 85:045301(R).(2012)
- S.L. Codd and J. D. Seymour “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurement of Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Porous Media: Preasymptotic Dynamics, Structure and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics” Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 60:24204 (2012)
- J.R. Brown, T.I. Brox, S.J. Vogt, J.D. Seymour, M.L. Skidmore, S.L. Codd “Magnetic resonance diffusion and relaxation characterization of water in the unfrozen vein network in polycrystalline ice and its response to microbial metabolic products” Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 225, 17–24 (2012)
- S.J. Vogt, A.B. Sanderlin, J.D. Seymour, and S.L. Codd “Permeability of a Growing Biofilm in a Porous Media Fluid Flow Analyzed by Magnetic Resonance Displacement-Relaxation Correlations” Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 110, 5, 1366–1375 (2012)
- A.B. Sanderlin, S.J. Vogt, Elliot Grunewald, Bridget A. Bergin and S.L. Codd “Biofilm Detection in Natural Unconsolidated Porous Media Using a Low-Field Magnetic Resonance System” Environ. Sci. Technol., 47 (2), pp 987–992 (2013)
- X. Yang, T.D. Scheibe, M.C. Richmond, W.A. Perkins, S.J. Vogt, S.L. Codd, J.D. Seymour, M.I. McKinley, “Direct Numerical Simulation of Pore-Scale Flow in a Bead Pack: Comparison with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Observations", Advances in Water Resources, Volume 54, Pages 228-241 (2013)
- E.O. Fridjonsson, J.D. Seymour and S.L. Codd, “Application of PFG–NMR to Study the Impact of Colloidal Deposition on Hydrodynamic Dispersion in a Porous Medium.” Transport in Porous Media 103: 117-130. (2014)
- E.O. Fridjonsson, J.D. Seymour and S.L. Codd, "Anomalous preasymptotic colloid transport by hydrodynamic dispersion in microfluidic capillary flow" Phys. Rev. E 90, 010301(R)(2014)
- J.R. Brown, J.D Seymour, T.I. Brox, M.L. Skidmore; C. Wang; B.C. Christner, B-H Luo, S.L. Codd, "Recrystallization Inhibition in Ice due to Ice Binding Protein Activity Detected by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" Biotechnology Reports 3: 60-64 (2014)
- J.M. Bray, E.M. Rassi, J.D. Seymour, and S.L. Codd1, "Magnetic resonance measurement of fluid dynamics and transport in tube flow of a near-critical fluid" Expts in Fluids 55: 1777 (2014)
- S.J. Vogt, C.A. Shaw, J.E. Maneval, T.I. Brox, M.L. Skidmore, S.L. Codd and J.D. Seymour, “Magnetic resonance measurements of flow-path enhancement during supercritical CO2 injection in sandstone and carbonate rock cores.” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 102: 507-514. (2014)
- S.J. Vogt, J.R. Smith, J.D. Seymour, A.J. Carr, M.D. Golding and S.L. Codd, “Assessment of the changes in the structure and component mobility of Mozzarella and Cheddar cheese during heating.” Journal of Food Engineering 150: 35-43 (2015)
- J.R.M. Kennedy, K.E. Kent and J.R. Brown, "Rheology of dispersion of xanthan gum, locust bean gum and mixed biopolymer gel with silica dioxide nanoparticles." Materials Science and Engineering C 48: 347-353 (2015)
- K.E. Washburn, E. Anderssen, S.J. Vogt, J.D.Seymour, J.E. Birdwell, C.M. Kirkland and S.L Codd, “Simultaneous Gaussian and Exponential Inversion for Improved Analysis of Shales by NMR Relaxometry.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance 250: 7-16. (2015)
- T.I. Brox, M.L. Skidmore and J.R. Brown, "Characterizing the liquid vein network in artificial ice with nuclear magnetic resonance." Journal of Glaciology 61:225 (2015)
C.M. Kirkland, M.P. Herrling, R. Hiebert, A.T. Bender, E. Grunewald, D.O. Walsh, and S.L. Codd, “In Situ Detection of Subsurface Biofilm Using Low-Field NMR: A Field Study” Environ. Sci. Technol., 2015, 49 (18), pp 11045–11052 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02690 (2015) -
C.M. Kirkland, R. Hiebert, A.J. Phillips, E. Grunewald, D.O. Walsh, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, “Biofilm detection in a model well-bore environment using low-field NMR”, Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 35(4): 36-44 DOI: 10.1111/gwmr.12117 (2015) -
C.A. Prather, J.M. Bray, J.D. Seymour and S.L. Codd, “NMR study comparing capillary trapping in Berea sandstone of air, carbon dioxide, and supercritical carbon dioxide after imbibition of water.” Water Resources Research52(2): 713-724. (2016) -
R.S. Maier, E. Nybo, J.D. Seymour and S.L. Codd, “Electroosmotic flow and dispersion in open and closed porous media.” Transport in Porous Media, 113: 68-89. (2016) -
E.O. Fridjonsson and J.D. Seymour, “Colloid particle transport in a microcapillary: NMR study of particle and suspending fluid dynamics.” Chemical Engineering Science, 153: 165-173. (2016) -
T.I. Brox, B. Douglass, J.R. Brown and P. Galvosas, "Observations of the influence of Taylor-Couette geometry on the onset of shear-banding in surfactant wormlike micelles."Journal of Rheology, 60: 973 (2016). -
J.M. Bray, E.G. Lauchnor, G.D. Redden, R. Gerlach, Y. Fujita, S.L. Codd, and J.D. Seymour “Impact of mineral precipitation on flow and mixing in porous media determined by micro-computed tomography and MRI.” Environmental Science and Technology, 51(3): 1562-1569. 2017. -
J.R. Smith; S.J. Vogt, J.D. Seymour, A.J. Carr and S.L. Codd, “Probing water migration in Mozzarella cheese during maturation and heating utilizing magnetic resonance techniques.” Journal of Food Engineering, 198: 1-6. 2017. -
S.E. Mailhiot, N.H. Williamson, J.R. Brown, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd and R.K. June, “T1-T2 correlation and biopolymer diffusion within human osteoarthritic cartilage measured with nuclear magnetic resonance.” Applied Magnetic Resonance,408(4): 407-422. 2017. -
J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, and R. Kimmich, “Peclet number dependent superdiffusive hydrodynamic dispersion in a site percolation porous media measured by NMR.” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials published online 2017. -
S. Sinha, A.T. Bender, M. Danczyk, K. Keepseagle, C.A. Prather, J.M. Bray, L.W. Thrane, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd and A. Hansen, “Effective Rheology of Two-phase Flow in Three-Dimensional Porous Media: Experiment and Simulation.” Transport in Porous Media published online DOI 10.1007/s11242-017-0874-4. 2017. - C.M. Kirkland, S. Zanetti, E. Grunewald, D.O. Walsh, S.L. Codd and A.J. Phillips. “Detecting Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation in a Model Well-Bore Using Downhole Low-Field NMR”, Environmental Science and Technology, 51: 1537-1543. (2017)
- C.M. Kirkland and S.L. Codd. “Low-field Borehole NMR Applications in the Near-Surface Environment”, Vadose Zone, accepted (2017)
J.R. Brown, J. Trudnowski, E. Nybo, K.E. Kent, T. Lund, A. Parsons, "Quantification of non-Newtonian fluid dynamics of a wormlike micelle solution in porous media with magnetic resonance." Chemical Engineering Science, 173: 145-152 (2017)
- M.P. Herrling, J. Weisbrodt, C.M. Kirkland, N.H. Williamson, S. Lackner, S.L. Codd, J.D. Seymour, G. Guthausen, H. Horn, “NMR Investigation of Water Diffusion in different Biofilm Structures.”Biotechnology and Bioengineering 114: 2857–2867. 2017
- S.E. Mailhiot, F. Zong, J.E. Maneval, R.K. June, P. Galvosas, J.D. Seymour, “Quantifying NMR relaxation correlation and exchange in articular cartilage with time domain analysis.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance 287: 82–90. 2018
S.E. Mailhiot, S.L. Codd, J.R. Brown, J.D. Seymour and R.K. June, “Pulsed gradient stimulated echo (PGStE) NMR shows spatial dependence of fluid diffusion in human stage IV osteoarthritic cartilage.” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine80(3): 1170-1177. 2018.
E Nybo, J.E. Maneval, S.L. Codd, M.A. Ryder, G.A. James, J. Woodbury and J.D. Seymour, “Flow velocity maps measured by nuclear magnetic resonance in medical intravenous catheter needleless connectors.” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis152: 1–11. 2018.
L.W. Thrane, E.A. Berglund, J.N. Wilking, D. Vodak and J.D. Seymour, “NMR relaxometry to characterize the drug structural phase in a porous construct.” Molecular Pharmaceutics15(7): 2614-2620. 2018.
M.E. Skuntz, D. Perera, J.E. Maneval, J.D. Seymour and R. Anderson, “Melt-Front Propagation and Velocity Profiles in Packed Beds of Phase-Change Materials Measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. Chemical Engineering Science190: 164-172. 2018.
J.W. Simkins, P.S. Stewart and J.D. Seymour, “Spatiotemporal mapping of oxygen in a microbially-impacted packed bed using 19F nuclear magnetic resonance oximetry”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance293: 123-133. 2018. Cover Article.
R.N. Al-Kaby, J.S. Jayaratne, T.I. Brox, S.L. Codd, J.D. Seymour, and J.R. Brown, “Rheo-NMR of transient and steady state shear banding under shear startup”. Journal of Rheology62(5): 1125–1134. 2018.
H.T. Fabich, T.I. Brox, D. Clarke, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, P. Galvosas, J. Brown, A.J. Sederman and D.J. Holland, “Measurements of the velocity distribution for granular flow in a Couette cell.” Physical Review E. 98(6): 062901, 2018.
S. Schuhmann, J.W. Simkins, N. Schork, S.L. Codd, J.D. Seymour, M. Heijnen, F. Saravia, H. Horn, H. Nirschl and G. Guthausen, “Characterization and quantification of structure and flow in multichannel polymer membranes by MRI.” Journal of Membrane Science. 570-571: 472-480. 2019.
E. Nybo, R.S. Maier, E.G. Lauchnor, J.D. Seymour and S.L. Codd, “Electrophoretic nuclear magnetic resonance measurement of electroosmotic flow and dispersion in hydrating cement paste.” Cement and Concrete Research. 116: 11-18. 2019.
N.H. Williamson, A.M. Dower, S.L. Codd, A.L. Broadbent, D. Gross and J.D. Seymour, “Glass dynamics and domain size in a solvent–polymer weak gel measured by multidimensional magnetic resonance relaxometry and diffusometry”. Physical Review Letters. 122: 068001. 2019.
L.W. Thrane, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, “Probing diffusion dynamics during hydrate formation by high field NMR relaxometry and diffusometry”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance303: 7–16. 2019.
J.W. Simkins, P.S. Stewart, S.L. Codd, and J.D.Seymour, “Non-invasive Imaging of Oxygen Concentration in a Complex In Vitro Biofilm Infection Model Using 19F MRI: Persistence of an Oxygen Sink Despite Prolonged Antibiotic Therapy”. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine82: 2248-2256. 2019.
J.E. Maneval, M.L. Nelson, L.W. Thrane, S.L. Codd and J.D.Seymour, “A Two-Region Transport Model for Interpreting
Measurements in Complex Systems”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance308: 106592. 2019.
J.W. Simkins, S. Schuhmann, G. Guthausen, M. Heijnen, S.L. Codd andJ.D.Seymour, “Characterization of Biofilm Distribution in Hollow Fiber membranes Using Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. Journal of Membrane Science. 594: 117437. 2020.
J.W. Simkins, P.S. Stewart, S.L. Codd and J.D.Seymour, “Microbial growth rates and local external mass transfer coefficients in a porous bed biofilm system measured by 19F magnetic resonance imaging of structure, oxygen concentration, and flow velocity”. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 117(5) : 1458-1469 2020.
- ME. Skuntz, B.G. Pelkie, S.L. Codd, R. Anderson, and J.D. Seymour, “Axial variability of pattern formation in Rayleigh-Bénard convection: MRI velocimetry in a low aspect ratio cylinder.” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer118: 104869. 2020
- R.N. Al-Kaby, S.L. Codd, J.D. Seymour, J.R. Brown. “Characterization of velocity fluctuations and the transition from transient to steady state shear banding with and without pre-shear in a wormlike micelle solution under shear startup by Rheo-NMR.” Applied Rheology30:1-13. 2020.
- S.N. Fricke, J.D. Seymour, M.D. Battistel, D.I. Freedberg, C.D. Eadsand M.P. Augustine, “Data Processing in NMR Relaxometry Using the Matrix Pencil.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance313:106704. 2020
- L.van den Berg, C.M. Kirkland, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, M.K. de Kreuk “Heterogeneous diffusion in aerobic granular sludge.” Biotechnology and Bioengineering.2020.
- C.M. Kirkland, J.R. Krug, F.J. Vergeldt, L. van den Berg, A.H. Velders, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, H. Van As, M.K. de Kreuk. “Characterizing the structure of aerobic granular sludge using ultra-high field magnetic resonance.” Water Science and TechnologyIn Press: 2020.
- J.L Cape, A.M. Pluntze, M.L. Nelson, J.D. Seymour W.K. Miller, A.M. Dower and S.S. Buchanan, “Mechanisms of Water Permeation and Diffusive API Release from Stearyl Alcohol and Glyceryl Behenate Modified Release Matrices.” International Journal of PharmaceuticsIn Presss 119819. 2020
C.M. Kirkland, J.R. Krug, F.J. Vergeldt, L. van den Berg, A.H. Velders, J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, H. Van As, M.K. de Kreuk. “Characterizing the structure of aerobic granular sludge using ultra-high field magnetic resonance.” Water Science and Technology82(4): 627-639. 2020.
- J.L. Cape, A.M. Pluntze, M.L. Nelson, J.D. Seymour, W.K. Miller, A.M. Dower and S.S. Buchanan, “Mechanisms of Water Permeation and Diffusive API Release from Stearyl Alcohol and Glyceryl Behenate Modified Release Matrices.” International Journal of Pharmaceutics589: 119819. 2020.
- ME. Skuntz, B.G. Pelkie, S.L. Codd, R. Anderson, and J.D. Seymour, “Axial variability of pattern formation in Rayleigh-Bénard convection: MRI velocimetry in a low aspect ratio cylinder.“International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer118: 104869. 2020.
- M.L. Nelson, J.E.Romo, S.G. Wettstein and J.D. Seymour, “Impact of xylose on dynamics of water diffusion in mesoporous zeolites measured by NMR.”Molecules (Special Issue on NMR and MRI of Materials) 26: 5518. 2021.
- ME. Skuntz, J.D. Seymour and R. Anderson, “Observation of heat transfer due to variable thermophysical properties of sub-, near- and super- critical fluids in porous media by magnetic resonance imaging”International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer128: 105635. 2021.
- J.D. Seymour, G. Guthausen and C.M. Kirkland, “Whither NMR of Biofilms?” in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science, and Energy Research S. Haber-Pohlmeier, B. Blümich, L. Ciobanu (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2022.
- P. Lei, M.W. Young, J.D. Seymour, D.E. Stillman, K. Primm, H.G. Sizemore, A.W. Rempel and S.L. Codd, “NMR Characterization of unfrozen brine vein distribution and structure in model packed beds.” Cold Regions Science and Technology199: 103572. 2022.
- Xu, M.L. Nelson,J.D. Seymourand T.G. Mason, “Signatures of nanoemulsion jamming and unjamming in stimulated-echo NMR.” Physical Review E 107. 024605. 2023.
M.E. Skuntz, R. Anderson, S.L. Codd and J.D. Seymour, “Temperature mapping using combined T2 and diffusion weighted MRI of encapsulated phase change materials.” Applied Magnetic Resonance 2023.
M.C. Young, M.L. Nelson, D.S. Cousins, D.B. Hodge and J.D. Seymour, “NMR relaxometry characterization of water adsorption in corn stover anatomical fractions.” Cellulose 30: 5473–5488. 2023. (Cover)
J.S. Jayaratne, S.L. Codd, R.N. Al-Kaby, J. Maley, T.I. Brox, P. Galvosas and J.D. Seymour,“Large amplitude oscillatory shear rheo-NMR velocimetry.” Physics of Fluids 35 (9): 093105. 2023.
M.L. Nelson, L.W. Thrane, S.L. Codd, J.L. Cape, C.D. Craig, A. Pluntze and J.D. Seymour, “Observation of solid-solid-phase transitions in alkanes and beeswax by NMR relaxometry”, PhysChemChemPhys submitted2024