montana hall

All items not in the "For Sale" section are for University departments only.



Current Processes

Surplus Property

If a department is interested in smallsurplus items under 20 pounds (chairs, stools, small coffee tables, etc.) that can be safely moved by a single person, PM has started scheduling contactless pick-ups for departments. If you are interested in a small item, please email us and we will set up a time to open the storage units and move the item into the alley for your department to pick up.


If a department is interested in larger surplus furniture, Property Management is not currently scheduling any in-person visits to the surplus storage area. We are working to keep our surplus website: as up to date as possible. If there are items your department is interested in or if you need additional pictures or measurements of items we have in our inventory, please contact us and we will accommodate your request.


Surplus Property Reminders:

  • Small office items like binders, paper sorters, etc. with a replacement value less than $25 can be disposed of at departmental discretion.
  • For items above the $25 threshold, the first step is to complete a PARR form!
  • Filling out the PARR form and selecting the “remove surplus furniture” category will create a helpdesk type ticket. Property Management will contact you for photos of the item so that we can evaluate it. If approved, we will submit a work order with Facilities to get the furniture moved.
  • Once the work order is filed with Facilities, the timing of removal is dependent on the workload for the laborers. If you have a hard deadline for having items removed, please include that in the PARR ticket and we work with Facilities and do our best to accommodate your needs.
  • Note: If an item is a piece of capital equipment, be sure to include that distinction and tag numbers in the PARR form so we can follow proper procedure. If you are unsure, please ask as we will be happy to assist.