Professional Development Core
The Professional Development Core offers investigators numerous opportunities for training, workshops and strategies for research career advancement.
Meet our Professional Development Core Directors:

Gloria Eldrige,PhD
Professional Development Alaska Core Co-Director, Alaska
Workshops and Training:
Grant Writing
Career Advancement
Professional Development Funding Opportunities:
The Core offers several funding opportunities to investigators for travel, publication assistance and external grant review. Please contact Doug Kominsky for more information.
Applicant should submit the application in PDF form to Daniella McGuire. Questions related to the award mechanism can be directed to Mark Quinn or Doug Kominsky
The AI/AN CTRP Travel awards will provide opportunities for pilot and development grant investigators to present their research at national conference, engage with mentors, or obtain training related to the mission of the program.
- Must be current or past funded AI/AN CTRP investigator when the application is submitted.
- Travel must occur, and funds must be expanded within the fiscal year that the award is made.
- Must have filed an AI/AN CTRP trip report for any precious AI/AN CTRP- sponsored travel.
Application Submission:
Applicant should submit the application in PDF form to Daniell McGuire. Questions Related to the award mechanism can be directed to Mark Quinn or Doug Kominsky
Award Amount:
The maximum amount allowable within an AI/AN CTRP 12- Month award cycle ( August 1- July 31) is $2,000. A single award or multiple awards may add up to $2,000
Review Process and Criteria:
- optimizing travel opportunities by meeting multiple professional development objectives, such as presenting their research, engaging with mentors, and/or obtaining technical or community engagement training as part of their travel.
- presenting at a conference or workshop that substantively contributes to programmatic mission
- attending a conference or workshop to learn new methods essential to the advancement of the research aims.
- Making satisfactory progress on funded projects
Conditions of the award:
Traveler must submit a trip report outlining the benefits to the investigator and the AI/AN CTRP mission within 15 Days of trip completion. Describe the specific activities accomplished, outline information shared and acquired, note key contacts and/or collaborations established, and list any other benefits accrued to the traveler and the program as a result of the travel.
Please work with Jennifer Hodges to arrange reimbursement of expenses.
One of the essential components of research is publication of research results in scientific journals. In an effort to foster publications from our CTRP investigators, the AI/AN CTRP will reimburse some or all of the costs of publications for our investigators.
- Must be current or past funded AI/AN CTRP investigator when the application is submitted.
- The manuscript must be accepted for publication in a scientific journal.
- Publication reimbursement must occur within the fiscal year that the award is made/
- Must have properly cited the AI/AN CTRP in the publication. NIH-NIGMS requires AI-AN CTRP core investigators and research project investigators who give presentations ( including posters) and/or publish their work on any project funded wholly or in part by AI-AN CTRP to acknowledge t he National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). Your citation must read as follow:
- Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U54GM115371. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Application Submission:
Applicant should submit the application in PDF form to Daniella McGuire. Questions related to the award mechanism can be directed to Mark Quinn or Doug Kominsky
Publication Award Amount:
The maximum amount allowable within the AI/AN CTRP 12-Month award cycle ( August1-July 31) is $2,000. A single award or multiple awards may add up to $2,000
Submit citation and PDF of the publication to the AI/AN CTRP PD Core
Please work with Jennifer Hodges wot arrange reimbursement of expenses.