Development awards are intended for projects requiring additional preparation time and will cover up to $50,000 in direct costs.  Award recipients may apply for a continuing award from the AI/AN CTRP.

Development awards are open to new investigators in translational research fields, as well as established investigators in basic or pre-clinical research who want to develop translational and/or community engaged programs focused on improving the health of AI/AN in Alaska and Montana.  Development award investigators must have a doctorate (or equivalent) degree and must also meet criteria for securing independent funding at their own institution. The Development Awards should result in pilot projects that have a high likelihood of leading to independent funding.

Current Research Projects

Jaedon Avey

Jaedon Avey, Ph.D., (SCF)

Email: [email protected]



Sambit Mohapatra, Ph.D., (UM)


Pharah Morgan, M.S., M.P.H., (RMTLC)