I Would Tell You But I Can't 

I Would Tell You But I Can’t is a collaborative artist book created by 10 students in GDSN 265; Letterpress, a 1-credit quick-fire course offered at Montana State University in Fall 2023. The theme, colors, and content were all brainstormed, designed, and letterpress printed by the students in the course. Each student explores this unique theme differently in a one or two-color print using historic metal type from MSU’s collection. This book is drum leaf bound in an edition of 25, measuring 2.5” wide by 11.5” tall. The books are available for sale and all proceeds from the sales, go directly towards supporting student travel to artist book fairs across the country. You can purchase the book from our squarespace.

Artist book interior and cover

Process images of students working on the book. 

The artist book standing up. The cover of the book set up in the bed of the press. A student's interior page uses black and pink to create a dynamic page. The artist book laying flat. A student is letterpress printing her interior page in pink. A students uses the press to print the first layer in pink on their interior page. Studnets hold the completed artist book. A student's interior page uses a laser cut linoleum form with pink metal typography. The artist book in context with students hands.

Click on an image to view as a slideshow.