Lab News
- January 2025: Our Attention and Memory lab is featured at the 2025 Ellis-Battig memorial symposium at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference April 10th – 12th in Denver, CO. There are five presentations featuring work by Brooke, Evan, Audrey, and Joe! See the announcement here...
- April 2024: Bozeman news story of Lucas Hutchison's Alzheimer's fundraiser. His story
starts 13:00 minutes in...
- March 2023: Washington Post story on ACL injury Biomechanics research with Scott Monfort and colleagues.
- February, 2023: Audrey Hood received an MSU Founder's day Award for Student Excellence. She was one of only two grad students to receive this award!
- October, 2021: Audrey Hood featured in the College of Letters and Science Poster Slam presentations
- May, 2021: Audrey Hood, Brandon Scott and Keith Hutchison received a $30,000 research expansion award for their project entitled "Heart rate variability biofeedback: A potential training mechanism to improve attentional control."
- December, 2020: Scott Monfort , Dustin Grooms, James Becker, and Keith Hutchison received a $291,957 NIH R01 award for their project entitled "Cognitive-motor dual tasks to improve rehabilitation after Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction."
- Fall 2019: Hutchison, Balota, & Duchek (2010) study described in Health article on
Early Screening for Alzheimer's Disease.
- Congratulations to our Ph.D. program trailblazer Mariana Olsen, who successfully passed her comprehensive exam and is now MSU’s first-ever Candidate for Ph.D. in Psychological Science!!!!!!
- Our Attention and Memory lab is featured at the 2017 Ellis-Battig memorial symposium at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference April 6th – 8th in Salt Lake City. There are five presentations featuring work by seven MSU graduate students (with Mariana, Katie, Chad, Beth, and Keith presenting). The event is also moderated by another former MSU Psychology graduate, Aaron Richmond, so it is an all MSU event!
- Feb 16, 2016: Undergraduate Danielle Hanger was given an "award for Excellence" from MSU and honored at a banquet Tuesday night. Here is a picture from the event. Danielle was also given the "outstanding undergraduate award" in Psychology last December. Congratulations Danielle!
- Nov 7, 2014: Tom Heyman's in press JEP: LMC paper on working memory load an semantic priming is featured in APA's "Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology (PeePs). "Read the post here...
- Feb 10, 2013: Dr. Hutchison published a post in Huffington Post entitled "What Big Data Can Teach Us About Language." Read the post here...
- Fall, 2012: Dr. Hutchison and Dr. Babcock were featured in an article in Montana 55 magazine entitled “Cognition: Don’t Let Your Brain Coast." See the article here...
- March, 2010: Lab Member Heather Parsons is MSU's fisrt Native American ROTC graduate. See article here... Heather Parsons ROTC graduate.
- August, 2007: Dr. Hutchison & Dr. Meade featured in Bozeman Daily Chronical article entitled "Senior Moments": Researchers offer tips for keeping memory limber. See article here... 'Bozeman Daily Chronicle.
- National Science Foundation announcement describing Dr. Hutchison and Dr. Balota's "Semantic Priming Project." See announcement here... National Science Foundation Funding Announcement