Three Montana State University graduates who were part of a team that won a
national NASA-sponsored robotics contest last year will return to the Kennedy
Space Center this week to watch the final launch of the space shuttle Endeavour. Read more...
Joseph Fedock and Susan Dana have been named interim deans for the Montana
State University colleges of Arts and Architecture and Business respectively,
MSU Provost Martha Potvin announced today.
A vice president at REI will be the keynote speaker at a conference
focused on professional development and networking opportunities for women, set
for Thursday, May 19, at the Best Western GranTree Inn in Bozeman. Read more...
A series of four-day summer graduate courses from Montana State University will
help elementary teachers learn how archaeological exploration can bring social
studies, math and literacy into the classroom through guided inquiry. Read more...
The Burton K. Wheeler Center for Public Policy is launching a summer
colloquium for young professional leaders under 35 years of age with a five-day
river expedition where participants will brainstorm on ideas to advance the
future of Montana.
Senator Baucus' Office is looking for volunteers to assist with the APEC
(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Trade Commission meeting May 6-21 in Big
Sky. More than 1,500 delegates from the 21 APEC economies will attend the
high-level trade negotiation meeting.