The Child and Adolescent Anxiety Laboratory of Montana (CAALM) was recently established
by Dr. Brandon Scott in the Department of Psychology at Montana State University.
CAALM is devoted to elucidating the influence of biological, emotional, and cognitive
processes in development on internalizing disorder development in children and adolescents.
For example, we investigate how physiological indices of self-regulation and (e.g.,
heart rate variability), emotion regulation, and control beliefs are specifically
and differentially related to youth anxiety and depressive disorder development, maintenance,
and reversal.
Although our work has focused on mainstream youth and families, we have been partnering
with the tribal community in Montana for the past few years to conduct research relevant
to resilience, emotions, and behavioral health in American Indian children. Moving
forward, our collective efforts will leverage cultural strengths within tribal and
other Montanan communities to promote effective prevention and early interventions
programs and positive outcomes for American Indian youth and their non-Native counterparts.
Please browse the CAALM web site for more information on our past and current projects,
research staff, and lab resources. Graduate students wanting to apply to the MSU Ph.D.
of Psychological Science program and to work with Dr. Scott can
view the graduate school website for more information. Possible collaborators or just those individuals who want more
information about our work may email Dr. Scott at
[email protected].