Campus Licensed Software
Note: The term "no cost" below simply means that you won't be required to furnish any payment at the time you attempt to acquire the software. It is already paid for. Nearly ALL of the software below has been funded by some campus entity, and it is each of their strategic investments that make the titles below available to the campus community in the interest of furthering instruction and/or research.
Required Software for MSU Owned Devices
Type: Security and Compliance REQUIRED FOR MSU OWNED COMPUTERS
Scope: Available at no cost required installation for all computers connecting to
the MSU network.
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Spirion - (formerly Identity Finder) REQUIRED FOR MSU OWNED COMPUTERS
Type: Security and ComplianceScope: Available at not cost and required installation for all computers connecting to the MSU network.
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Instructions and Download
Additional Software Available
Type: Computer Aided Design
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty and students for learning and teachingContact: Autodesk Education Community
Type: Lecture Capture
Scope: Available at no cost to all MSU facultyContact: UIT ([email protected])
Instructions and Installation
Type: Chemical Modeling
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty, staff, and students for use both on and
off campus!
Contact: CLS IT ([email protected])
Instructions and Installation
Windows and macOS installation: Once you log in you will find the instructions to install ChemDraw at the bottom of the page.
Type: Computer Aided Design
Scope: Availble for non-funded research on MSU-owned computers
Contact: CLS IT ([email protected])
Type: Citation Management
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty, staff, and students
Contact: MSU Library
Instructions and Download
Type: Online Training
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty, staff, and students for use both on and off campus!Contact: MSU Library
Further Information and Login
Type: Mathematics
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty, staff, and students for use both on and
off campus!
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Instructions and Installation
Type: Mathematics
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty, staff, and students for use both on and
off campus!
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Instructions and Installation
Type: Office Productivity (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc)
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty/staff for use both on and off campus
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Instructions and Installation
Type: Data Analysis
Scope: Available at no cost for all MSU owned computers
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Further Information
Type: Reading, Writing, and Online Research
Scope:Available at no cost to all faculty, students, and staff for use both on and off campus
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Instructions and Installation
Type: Password Management
Scope: Available at no cost to facutly & staff
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Instructions and Installation
Type: Molecular Modeling
Scope: Available at no cost on all campus computers, $25 for students' personal computers
Contact: CLS IT ([email protected]) to facilitate installation
Type: Instant Messaging and Collaboration
Scope: Available at no cost to all faculty staff and students
Contact: UIT ([email protected])
Information and Instructions