Graduate Learning Outcomes

  1. Have the knowledge and skills to apply counseling theories in the addiction setting
  2. Have the ethical knowledge and skills to enter clinical practice in addictions setting
  3. Develop and apply multicultural competence in the addiction setting  
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and application skills in diagnosis, treatment planning, and case management in the addiction setting   
  5. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in chemical dependency counseling in the addiction setting   
  6. Have the knowledge and skills in alcohol and drug studies in addiction setting
  7. Possess knowledge and facilitation skills necessary for group counseling in the addiction setting   
  8. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in Psychopharmacology in the addiction setting
  9. Demonstrate knowledge and skills to understand, recognize, and treat co-occurring disorders in the addiction setting   
  10. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in Gambling and Gaming addiction diagnosis, assessment, and treatment in addiction setting


  1. Promote students’ personal, clinical, and professional development as measured by:
    • Successful completion of benchmarks
    • Skill Development and Professional Dispositions (CCS-R)
    • Feedback from internship supervisors and employers
    • Feedback from current and former students
  2. Teach students to conceptualize clients and apply concepts from the eight common core areas in their work with clients as measured by:
    • Successful completion of KPI portfolio assignments and benchmarks
    • Successful completion and passing of the comprehensive exam
    • Feedback from internship supervisors and employers
    • Feedback from current and former students
  3. Facilitate student acquisition of knowledge in the foundations of counseling as measured by:
    • Successful completion of KPI portfolio assignments and benchmarks
    • Feedback from internship supervisors and employers
    • Feedback from current and former students
    • Successful passing of the National Counselor's Exam
  4. Facilitate student development of a primary counseling theory, and an ability to integrate with cultural and developmental considerations, and apply to clients as measured by:
    • Case conceptualizations submitted and reviewed each semester
    • Benchmark reviews from core faculty
    • Successful completion of the comprehensive exam
  5. Encourage student exploration of cultural humility, social justice, and the role of advocacy in the counseling profession as measured by:

    • Professional dispositions (CCS-R)

    • Successful completion of the Multicultural Awareness course
    • Successful integration of cultural consideration in Internship Case Conceptualizations
    • Successful completion of the comprehensive exam
    • Successful completion of Portfolio Assignment: Internship Project
  6. Prepare students for acquiring comprehensive knowledge and skills needed to fulfill mental health counseling roles in Montana’s mental health care and education systems as measured by:

    • Successful completion of Benchmarks and grades of ‘B’ or better in basic skills, practicum, and internship courses

    • Feedback from internship supervisors and employers
    • Feedback from current and former students
  7. Develop and maintain a healthy learning environment that promotes respectful engagement and courageous dialogue as measured by:

    • New student program orientation outcomes

    • Student evaluations of program faculty
    • Advisor evaluations
    • Alumni student surveys
  8. Enhance the worth, dignity, and positive development of themselves and of individuals and groups within their employment and community context as measured by:

    • Intermittent benchmark reviews conducted by committee members

    • Grades of ‘B’ or better in counseling skills, practicum, and internship courses
    • Feedback from current and former students
  1. Students will examine the continuum of mental health in current society and identify the role it plays in the general population.
  2. Students will identify issues related to life span and development that impact mental health.
  3. Students will examine and learn to recognize signs of distress and crisis.
  4. Students will synthesize and assess theories and practice related to mental health and helping professions.
  5. Students will better understand how mental health professionals utilize theories and facilitate changes.
  6. Students will learn how the changes process works within the mental health professions.
  7. Students will learn self-care and stress reduction strategies to implement within their scope of practice.
  8. Students will exemplify competency and formulate procedures for assessment, assisting, and referral processes.
  9. Students will learn referral processes within their own communities and the resources available.
  10. Students will learn how to discuss and talk with people about mental health referrals.
  11. Students will form their own network through this certificate of other people engaged in helper roles to call upon for support.