December 2014 - Blog Archives
December 3rd, 2014
CS Department Fall 2014 Newsletter!
Highlights Include:
Demand Generation Initiatives Update
Who's Who in the CS Department - Dr. Qing Yang
MSU Students Attend Grace Hopper Conference
Software Factory - Montana
What's Happening....
December 8th, 2014
Looney Challenge #7 - POSTED TODAY!
To do the Looney Challenge, click on "This Week's Looney Challenge" icon or go to
Earn points to win a Raspberry Pi!
December 9th, 2014
Today, December 9th is Grace Hopper's (1906-1992) birthday. Did you know that Computer Science Education Week is held during the week of her birthday? To learn more about Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, check out this article printed today at
Interested in learning more about Computer Science Week or learning how you can participate in the Hour of Code? Click on the Computer Science
Education week logo, , or participate in this week's Looney Challenge,, or view yesterday's post.
December 15th, 2014
Happy Holidays!