ariel view of campus students studying

What should I do?

  1. I have had a personal, family, or medical issue arise near the end of the semester and need to go home.  
    Visit with each instructor to find out the status of your grades - you may be able to be graded on current standing. If this is not possible, then you may need to drop the courses or you may be eligible for "incomplete" grades. Contact the Office of the Dean of Students to discuss the options. You may also contact Counseling & Psychological Services if emotional support is needed.             

  2. I want to get involved in a club or organization, but I don't know where to begin. 
    Visit the Office of Activities & Engagement, 282 Strand Union, across from the ASK-US Desk to learn about the various student groups available. Make some phone calls to the leaders of various groups you are interested in, or visit with members of the organization. Also check out Intramurals & Recreation (120 Hosaeus Complex) and your academic departments for other activities.       

  3. I have been sexually assaulted. 
    Try to remember to respond and react quickly following the incident. Immediately seek support and advice from a friend (your roommate, Resident Advisor, etc.) or the Crisis Help Line. Seek medical assistance as soon as possible and report the assault to the University Police and/or the Bozeman police. Consider professional counseling as soon as possible. Assistance is available from the VOICE Center (406-994-7142), Counseling & Psychological Services (406-994-4531), Student Health Service (406-994-2311), Women's Center (994-3836), and Office of the Dean of Students (406-994-2826) and the Office of Institutional Equity.

  4. My roommate often has his/her girlfriend/boyfriend over to our room all hours of the night, and sometimes all night. I can't study or sleep and I am not doing well in my courses. 
    It is absolutely essential to confront your roommate. If you're living in a residence hall ask your Resident Advisor for assistance if you have already tried to confront your roommate. It is not right morally or ethically to have to tolerate such behavior from a roommate. 

  5. I have this nagging thought in the back of my mind that I may be drinking too much alcohol. How can I tell for certain. 
    If the thought registers with you, you may well be drinking too much. You are to be commended for seeking assistance. Set up an appointment for testing with the Alcohol/Drug Counselor at Counseling & Psychological Services. Counseling is free and the testing is very inexpensive. Alcoholic Anonymous meetings for students are held on campus each week throughout the year; check at the ASK-US Desk for the time and location of the meetings. Other services are available through the Student Health Service and Health promotion. 

  6. I have a couple of courses I may not doing well in. I don't know if I am passing them. It is nearing the last day to drop classes and I need to decide if I should drop them. 
    Make an appointment with the Office for Student Success. Success Advisors are able to talk you through all options and implications you may face in such a situation. Also, make an appointment with the course instructor to determine your actual status and whether you can pass the class. If you cannot, drop the class and focus your efforts on your other courses. Other resources you may want to consider in your decision are your instructors, your academic advisor, International Education (if applicable), Athletics (if applicable), Financial AidResidence Life, and Office for Student Success regarding tutors and academic support. Be sure to inform Residence Life and Financial Aid if you are using their services, when you drop below full-time student status so that you can make arrangements to continue their services if possible.

  7. I am just plain lonely. I live too far from home to go visit before the semester break. I can't stand it, but my family says I must stick it out. 
    Feeling lonely is a very normal thing, especially during your first year of college or your first time away from home. To help with the adjustment, get involved in campus activities, play tourist, go home with friends for a weekend, or make an appointment with Counseling & Psychological Services to discuss your feelings. Seek information from Office of Activities & EngagementIntramurals & RecreationResidence Life, or International Education (if applicable). 

  8. I have had some psychological counseling in the past, and have also had some medical problems. I don't know where to find this kind of help here because I'm not on the MSU student health insurance plan. 
    You DO NOT need MSU student health insurance coverage to use the Student Health Service or Counseling & Psychological Services. You are automatically charged a student health fee which gives you access to nurses, doctors, counselors, and psychologists. Only if you have other health insurance are you required to purchase the MSU student plan to cover catastrophic events. Inquire at the Student Health Service about service available to you. 

  9. School has always been difficult for me. I really have to work hard. What can I do to help myself be successful academically? 
    College study requires much more time, discipline, and work than high school. To be successful, you should attend all classes and spend at least three hours studying outside the classroom for every hour spent in class. There are numerous academic assistance programs on campus; consult with your professors, study groups, ask questions with Office of Student Success for advice, study skills assistance, and tutoring options.                          

  10. The University gets involved when students are involved in violations of the law or are arrested, either on campus or in the Bozeman community - why? 
    The University Student Conduct Code, Section II.B states, "Students who commit offenses against the laws of the city, state, or United States are subject to prosecution by those authorities and may be subject to disciplinary action under this code if the offenses are also violations of this code. University disciplinary proceedings may precede, follow, or take place simultaneously with criminal proceedings and will not be subject to challenge on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced." 

  11. How is my grade point average calculated each semester, and what is entered on my permanent record besides my grades? 
    Your grade point average is computed by (1) multiplying the numerical equivalent of your grade (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) by the number of credits for the course, (2) adding the grade points calculated for each course in (1) together, and (3) dividing this total by the number of course credits in which you were enrolled that semester. Your permanent record ("transcript") lists only the course number, title, credits, and grade earned. 

  12. I heard that I need to keep a record of my involvement and experiences in clubs and organizations outside the classroom. Why, and how can I do this? 
    Scholarships and University awards and some organization/honorary memberships requires outside-the-classroom leadership and involvement. Also, future employers are not only looking for academic achievement but for "individual'" excellence. Establish your Student Involvement Log in the Office of Activities & Engagement and update it regularly. 

  13. I am in a couple of really large classes -- 250 students or more. I get distracted, feel lost, and do not understand the material. I want to drop out of the class. 
    Set up a time to discuss the material with the instructor. Do not miss any class periods. Force yourself to raise your hand and ask questions when you don't understand the information. Move to the front of the classroom. Join a study group. The effort needed must come from you!