Module 8: Review & Professional Growth

In the final module of the semester, you will have an opportunity to fill in any gaps of personal or professional interest. You will also identify areas where you have grown this semester and identify a learning goal for next semester.

Module Objectives

  • Complete a self-evaluation aligned to the ALA / AASL / CAEP School Librarian Preparation Program Standards, Montana’s Indian Education for All Essential Understandings, and Alaska’s Standards for Culturally Responsive Educators.
  • Write a library specific SMARTIE goal to work on next semester.


  • Module 13: Allies & Antiracism from Hughes-Hassell, S., Rawson, C. H., & Hirsh, K. (2019). Project READY: Reimagining equity and access to diverse youth [online curriculum].

Additionally, review the Think resources from Modules 1 through 7 and identify at least three that you did not have an opportunity to review previously and would like to read / view.


Complete the MCU LMC Candidate Evaluation, following the instructions in the “Instructions” tab.

Use the SMARTIE Goals Worksheet to develop a SMARTIE goal related to one or more of the standards in the MSU LMC Candidate Evaluation.


In the Module 8 discussion forum, share the resources you read / viewed and 2-4 of the most important concepts you learned. Additionally, share your SMARTIE goal for your next semester of the program.


Complete the Module prompts from the Project READY journal. Turn in your journal, completed through Module 13.