MSU's Department of Health and Human Development has reorganized into three departments: 1) the Department of Human Development & Community Health, 2) the Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology, and 3) the Department of Counseling. We have moved students, programs, and courses into their respective new departments. The College of EHHD is now comprised of four total departments as seen below.

Undergraduate Programs

Department of Education

A number of teaching options are housed in other colleges. Please visit respective department webpages or browse our Programs & Degrees to view additional teaching major options.

Department of Human Development & Community Health

Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology

Department of Human Development & Community Health

Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology

Department of Education

Department of Human Development & Community Health


Department of Human Development & Community Health

Graduate Programs

Department of Human Development & Community Health

Department of Education

Department of Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology

  • Ph.D. in Exercise and Nutrition Sciences

Department of Counseling

Department of Education

  • College Teaching
  • Library Media
  • School Superintendent
  • Teacher Leadership