Table of Contents

Payroll Information 

Contracts and Payroll Documents

  • The College of EHHD appoints its tenure track faculty by a letter of hire and memorandum of understanding after doing an extensive search and interview process.  For potential new hires, and in situations after a break in service, background checks are required prior to employment. The I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification (Department of Homeland Security), and W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate (IRS) are required.  They can be updated periodically and will be requested if necessary for any hire along with issuing a new contract, especially the letter of appointment for non-tenure track faculty, when due.  After the first year, the tenure track faculty will be issued the MUS contract with the start of academic year.
  • Tenure track faculty are generally paid on their main AY MUS contract during academic year that spans through 10 months from August to May (20 biweekly pay periods) . Tenure track faculty can teach summer courses or use research and/or engagement grant funds for additional pay during the summer months and will be issued summer session letter of appointment (SSA). Each department head will contact faculty if they would like them to teach a summer course. If a tenure track faculty is going to teach a summer course, or utilize grant funds to support summer research, the Departmental Business Operations Manager will create a summer contract and will work with the tenure track faculty to complete the paperwork.  Note that if teaching, faculty can take pay for only the 2 summer months.  If they have grant funds, they're eligible to earn up to 3/9 of their academic year base salary, of which 2 months can be teaching.  3/9 is based on the understanding that the academic year lasts the total of full 9 months even though faculty generally are paid over 10 months but partially in August and partially in May.
  • MSU is now on the bi-weekly payroll schedule, which means that everyone needs to submit timesheets every other Friday (please see the Timesheet Due columns above for specific dates). Please set a reminder as appropriate and follow the steps below to record your time.
  • Pay Day - The University uses biweekly pay cycle with the payday falling for every other Wednesday. Please refer to Events Calendar - Human Resources | Montana State University for more details. All employees are encouraged to set up direct deposit in MyInfo. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.
  • Direct Deposit - Setting up direct deposit through MyInfo:
    1. Log into MyInfo using your NetID
    2. Select Employee Services Tab
    3. Select Pay Information
    4. Select Update direct deposit
    5. Input Bank Routing Number
    6. Input account number
    7. Select account type (checking or savings)
    8. Select Payroll deposit ***do not check accounts payable deposit***
    9. Click on save

Direct deposit takes a payroll to activate. You will receive a paper check after setting up direct deposit for one payday while the payroll system tests the account.  Please ensure your mailing address is correct in Myinfo. After that, your account is active and you will receive pay via direct deposit.

  • Tax Information - Here you will find tax forms, tax information, and international employee tax information and forms. 

Leave and Benefits

  • Faculty with academic rank who are appointed on academic year contracts are ineligible to accrue and use vacation leave. Likewise, faculty members who are appointed for teaching, research and/or public service for summer sessions accrue no vacation leave. Faculty employees are eligible to earn sick leave. Accrual of sick leave credits begins on the first day of employment. In general, you may wish to visit the Human Resources Policies page though newcomers should plan to attend a New Employee Orientation and a New Employee Benefits Orientation as described in the onboarding section of this handbookMSU has a policy on the opportunity to donate leave when colleagues have serious events and use up their available leave.
  • For questions about benefits, please contact our MSU Benefits Team at [email protected].

Time Reporting for Sick Leave

  • All staff and faculty, including tenure track faculty are required to submit an on-line time sheet at the end of every pay period to indicate any sick leave taken or leave without pay.
  • Benefits and Leaves: Sick Leave Policy - This policy provides uniform rules for the accrual and use of sick leave by eligible university employees in accordance with Section 2-18-618, MCA. Sick leave is paid leave that is granted to eligible employees as outlined in this policy. The Board of Regents has adopted the Department of Administration Sick Leave policy for nonfaculty employees and the university applies this policy to faculty. This policy is intended to be consistent with the Department of Administration Sick Leave policy to the extent it is applicable to university employees. Any collective bargaining agreement providing greater sick leave benefits supersedes this policy.
  • Faculty on a Summer Session Appointment don’t fill out timesheet.  However, if they have a sick absence, they still need to report it to HR at [email protected] so Payroll can take that off their sick balances.
  • Time Entry - Please reference this page for information on submitting your timesheet and approving others' timesheets.
  • If you have questions about your payroll documents, paycheck, time sheet, or other issues please contact your BOM and always copy [email protected].

Travel Rules

MSU Faculty Handbook Resources

Additional MSU Policies and Procedures

Human Resources Policies

University Business Services' Business Procedures and Training Documents

Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP)

College of EHHD Salary Options