Guidance and Resources
- A word of advice: Do NOT leave the various ancillary pieces and forms to the last minute. You may
find yourself unable to submit if you don't have the correct information in hand.
Check out the suggested cycle for grant submission (Game Plan) or timeline and be sure you have created yourself at the outset a detailed checklist so you know all the pieces you will be required to pull together.
- Most proposal cover pages ask for information that can be found on MSU's Office of
Sponsored Programs' Information Sheet. Look here first.
- Biddy Bird Twitterings on Forms & Procedures
- Logic Models (guidance & resources plus template & example)
Tools and Campus Support
Templates and Examples
- EHHD examples
- U.S. Department of Education form examples
- U.S. Department of Agriculture personnel templates
College of Education, Health & Human Development
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172940
250 Reid Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717-2940
Tel: (406) 994-4133
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Tricia Seifert
[email protected]
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