See Logic Model Lingo Quiz to start over

Answer Types:

  1. Input
  2. Output: Activity, Participation
  3. Outcome
    1. Short - Learning
    2. Medium - Action
    3. Long-term – Ultimate benefit


3a        a. Teens learned new leadership skills

2          b. A new curriculum was developed

3a        c. Students increased their confidence in negotiation skills

2          d. Training programs included seminars and workshops

2          e. Parents from around the state attended

3b         f. Operators applied new skills on the job

1          g. Two agencies partnered to design the program

1          h. Volunteers provided over 300 hours of support to the project

2          i. Teen mentors were trained

3a        j. Owners learned how to develop a woodland management plan

2          k. Sessions were held in 10 locations

3c         l. Reported cases of abuse declined

2          m. Food safety skills were taught to food vendors and restaurant workers

2          n. Books were distributed to children

3a        o. Parents increased their employment skills

3c        p. Greater percentage of high school students graduate

2          q. We helped the community assess the needs of families

2          r. Specialists educated business owners about effective production methods and business management

3b        s. Youth serving agencies have increased their collaboration

3b        t. Teens established a teen court and hear cases monthly

2          u. 3 two-day workshops were conducted in each region

2          v. Newsletters are distributed in three languages

2          w. 300 listeners per week tune into the radio broadcast

3a        x. Teens learned to counsel other teens on tobacco prevention

3b        y. Town enacted a policy for youth curfew

3c        z. More kids walk to school


Note: Several of the above are debatable given the program goal that is assumed. Participants should be able to explain, defend their choice. To test outcomes, ask “so what?”


Reprint of Pages 64-65 of
Developing a Logic Model: Teaching and training guide, Ellen Taylor-Powell and Ellen Henert
Published by UW-Board of Regents
Reprinted here by permission of Christian Schmieder, University of Wisconsin - Extension, Program Development and Evaluation Division