- When you know what the funder is looking for, start with an abstract or logic model,
and, ideally, discuss it with the funder's program officer.
- Sketch out your budget. Writing a budget will tell you what you actually want to do. You must know what range of activities will fit within the budget boundaries before
you write a work plan.
- Draft your project description.
- Draft your project evaluation.
- Finalize your project title.
- Draft letters of support.
- Update your project description and evaluation.
- Fill out the required forms (doing this early will alert you if you might be missing
any required pieces).
- Draft your budget narrative.
- Draft your final executive summary/abstract.
- Finalize your budget and budget narrative.
- Finalize the rest of the documents and forms.
- Eliminate any inconsistencies among all these documents!
College of Education, Health & Human Development
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172940
250 Reid Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717-2940
Tel: (406) 994-4133
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Tricia Seifert
[email protected]
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