Daniel Short

Daniel Short serves as a Program Manager in the Justin Smith Morrill  Scholars Program where he is focused on enriching academic experiences and sustainable student success.  Dan is passionate about the intersection of human, educational, environmental, and economic aspects of wicked problems. Working across the education sector from early childhood to higher education, he brings a deep understanding of the complexities sustainability educators and professionals face from his international experiences in Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.​


   Reid Hall 242
   (406) 994-2016

His ten years running a remote sustainability education campus in Australia offered a powerful understanding of the real challenges of integrating efforts across the leadership of staff, programs, curriculum, students, operations, and budgets to promote a more sustainable future.

After watching the Australian sustainability campus that shaped his professional and personal views almost destroyed by climate change-induced bushfires of late 2019, he felt called to do more to positively impact the sustainability space. His master's research examined the lived experiences of instructors in higher education and how they navigate the complexities of education for sustainability. Integrating his passion for teaching, learning, research, and experimentation, his thesis focused on uncovering insight to support professionals and educators committed to leveraging education as a powerful piece of the sustainability puzzle.