Sauny Sewall

Sauny has a Masters in Nursing from Montana State University, a Bachelors in Nursing from University of Southern Maine, and a Bachelors in Outdoor Education from Prescott College. 


   Reid Hall 242
   (406) 994-2016

Her first career was in Outdoor Education working for the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) for ten years in the U.S., Mexico and Kenya. At NOLS she worked both as an instructor and in leadership as Operations Manager. Having discovered a love for handling the inevitable injuries and illnesses associated with these outdoor adventures, Sauny returned to school for her nursing degree. As a nurse, Sauny worked initially in the hospital medical and surgical units and later in Hospice becoming the Hospice Team Lead. After 4 years nursing, Sauny returned again to school to pursue her Masters in Nursing. Since graduating Sauny has worked clinically in Family Medicine, Urgent Care and Palliative Care, and held leadership positions since 2019 including Operations Manager, Department Manager and System Director of Nursing and Clinical Operations.  Sauny is now pursuing a certification as an Executive Coach through the College of Executive Coaching.