Elizabeth Bird, Grant Writing, MSU Education, Health & Human Development 5/17/18


General Federal Government Search

Grants.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

If you want to use a phrase, put quotes around it, like “modern dance”. If you want to use a small word that might be found inside other words (e.g. dance is in accordance), use a complete phrase instead. There doesn’t seem to be a search operator option for “whole word.” Other search tips: http://www.grants.gov/search-tips.html. Best option can be to search by funding agency only (e.g. All National Endowment for the Arts). You may export your search results to a spreadsheet by clicking on the Export Results link on the top, right corner above your search results.

You can also access a complete listing of federal agencies and programs at https://www.cfda.gov/?s=agency&tab=list&mode=list to find the CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) number to use in obtaining more information from www.grants.gov.

Specific federal agencies have their own search or grant advertising utilities:

National Institutes of Health http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/ National Science Foundation


Department of Education http://www2.ed.gov/fund/grant/find/edlite-forecast.html or http://www.ed.gov/grantapps

Department of Agriculture http://www.nifa.usda.gov/index.html#opps National Endowment for the Arts http://arts.gov/grants

National Endowment for the Humanities http://www.neh.gov/grants

U.S. Department of Transportation

Recreational Trails http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/


State of Montana http://commerce.mt.gov/sharedfiles/formmail/contactFundingMT.aspx Montana Arts Council: http://art.mt.gov/artists/artists.asp


Growth through Agriculture http://agr.mt.gov/agr/Programs/Development/GrantsLoans/GTA/

Noxious Weed Trust Fund http://agr.mt.gov/agr/Programs/Weeds/TrustFund/ Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

Aquatic Invasive Species http://dnrc.mt.gov/cardd/AIS/AISGrant.asp

Forestry http://dnrc.mt.gov/Forestry/Assistance/Grants/Grants.asp Irrigation Development


Watershed Planning http://dnrc.mt.gov/cardd/LoansGrants/WatershedPlanningAssistance.asp

Reclamation http://dnrc.mt.gov/cardd/ResourceDevelopment/rdgp/ReclamationDevelopmentGrantsProgram.asp

Renewable Resources http://dnrc.mt.gov/cardd/ResourceDevelopment/rrgp/RenewableGrantProgram.asp

Water and Wastewater http://dnrc.mt.gov/cardd/ResourceDevelopment/wasact/Default.asp

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Recreational Trails http://stateparks.mt.gov/recreation/rtpGrants.html Commerce

Economic Development  http://cdbged.mt.gov/default.mcpx Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund http://bstf.mt.gov/


Private Search Engines (both Private and Government Opportunities)

Note: This page from University of Wisconsin offers a helpful review of several of the following search sites. However, it includes those that require an institutional subscription (such as COS Pivot – so expensive even MSU has dropped it). http://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/content.php?pid=218158&sid=1812824



You can use this utility to search for all types of funders. If you are an MSU affiliate, log in first so the system will remember or retain your search (if you so request). If you are not an MSU affiliate you can use the service from any MSU computer and email yourself your search results so you don’t lose them when you leave that computer.

If you are an MSU affiliate, you can get on mailing list with a profile that defines your search parameters.

SMARTS/GENIUS profile summary page http://www.infoed.org/genius_live/GeniusMain.asp

SPIN database search page https://spin.infoedglobal.com/Home/GridResults

Foundation Directory Online – fully accessible at MSU and Bozeman Public libraries AVAILABLE FREE TO MSU AFFILIATES

Some utilities available for free: http://fdo.foundationcenter.org/

Grant Space (a service of Foundation Center) provides a forum for gathering information by subject. http://grantspace.org/Subjects. It has a page called “Knowledge Base” you can search for specific topics and under “Questions by Category” may list websites that are “staff picks” (e.g. under “Individual Grantseekers/Artists” or “Individual Grantseekers/Students”).

GuideStar/Philanthropedia http://www.myphilanthropedia.org/

Has supplemental information about foundations including expert reviews, leadership bios, stories.

Also has a database of information about specific funded areas, with stories and rankings and descriptions of organizations working on those issues.

GuideStar http://www.guidestar.org/Home.aspx offers the ability to search for information about specific foundations, access to forms 90 and sometimes additional information.

Once you sign up (free) you can ask to receive its newsletter, and notices about webinars. 990s:

Tell you the level of resources available to the foundation. http://www.guidestar.org/SearchResults.aspx

Search for a foundation

Click “preview report” and then “Forms 990 Received from the IRS”

DonorSearch http://donorsearch.net/. Free trial subscription at http://donorsearch.net/etcs/IntegratedSearch/trial.php

Yahoo Listing of grant-making foundations http://dir.yahoo.com/society_and_culture/issues_and_causes/philanthropy/organizations/grant_making_foundations/

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Educational Services (School Grants & Funding) -- http://www.hmhco.com/educators/educational-services/grants-funding/free-grant-database

Grant Station ($119 membership) -- http://www.grantstation.com/index.asp

Grant Forward (14-day free trial) -- https://www.grantforward.com/index

Grant Select ($495/year) -- http://www.grantselect.com/

GrantVine – grants and assistance for individuals -- http://www.grantvine.net/

New USA Funding ($29.95 access fee) https://newusafunding.com/


Free Email lists:

MSU Funding Opportunities

MSU Research Funding Opportunities [email protected]


Sign up for notifications of new opportunities from Grants.gov. http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/manage-subscriptions.html


National Institutes of Health http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/listserv.htmhttps://projectreporter.nih.gov/https://report.nih.gov/resource/issue2/


Montana Healthcare Foundation Newsletter http://montanahealthcarefoundation.forwardtomyfriend.com/t-owttlrtk-2EC9729D-ujtktlk-l-u


Centers for Disease Control Grant Funding Opportunity Announcements https://www.cdc.gov/grants/index.html https://www.cdc.gov/other/emailupdates/index.html


Foundation Directory Online http://www.foundationcenter.org/newsletters/;jsessionid=WRVWXPIZPHXATLAQBQ4CGXD5AAAACI2F


Philanthropy News Digest

For more great foundation related content, including news, RFPs, reviews and commentary, visit us at philanthropynewsdigest.org

The RFP Bulletin is a publication of Foundation Center. RFPs posted within the past week are listed above, sorted by topic. To search or browse all RFP postings, visit our website — new RFPs appear daily.


Rural Health Information Hub (ask Elizabeth Bird for slides that explain how best to use the website). Note this site is useful for most rural-based projects, not just health per se:



Montana Rural Health Initiative http://www.montanaruralhealthinitiative.info


Federal Office of Rural Health Policy

The Announcements from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy are distributed weekly. To be added to the distribution list, please send an e-mail with subject line "Subscribe" to Michelle Daniels at [email protected]


US Department of Agriculture:

Grants & Opportunities | Agricultural Marketing Service


The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) works to

improve domestic and international opportunities for U.S ...

Search for a Funding Opportunity | National Institute of ... nifa.usda.gov/page/search-grant

Search for a Funding Opportunity. Search the NIFA website for all competitive Request for Applications (RFAs). Filter by keyword . Funding Opportunity ...

Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) Program | National ...


Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) Program. NIFA's Agriculture in the Classroom Program ...

Grants. Search for a Funding Opportunity;

Where Can I Find Agricultural Funding Resources ...


Where Can I Find Agricultural Funding Resources? Compiled by: The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center ... Search for funding opportunities ...

Grant Opportunities at FNCS | Food and Nutrition Service


Application Submission Changes: Workspace On December 31, 2017, Grants.gov will officially retire the PDF application package as a method to apply for ...

Farmers Market Promotion Program - ams.usda.gov



Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: https://www.samhsa.gov/grants


Other Ideas:

  • Study other organizations in your field. Their websites and newsletters or annual reports will often show their funding sources. Or just ask. Most organizations will share this information gladly because the more organizations applying for funding in an area, the more likely the funding base itself is to
  • Do a Google or other search for your focus area. For example a search of “arts funding”

turned up http://www.artdeadlineslist.com/.

Individual government and private organizations often have opportunities to sign up for emailed updates. Search the organizations of interest to