Students Who Submit ETDs
ETD Approval Deadlines
One-Credit Extension: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 5:00PM
Graduating Spring 2025: Friday, May 2, 2025 at 5:00PM
One-Credit Extension: Thursday, June 5, 2025 at 5:00PM
Graduating Summer 2025: Friday, August 1, 2025 at 5:00PM
Students Who Submit ETDs
If you have any questions about whether you are required to go through the Graduate School formatting procedures, please email [email protected] for clarification.
Master's Students Writing a Formal Thesis
Master's students writing a formal thesis are required to go through the Graduate School formatting procedures. These students will be enrolled in 10 credits of @590 courses in their discipline and should see a line item in DegreeWorks that indicates formatting is required.
See below for an example of how the formatting requirement appears in DegreeWorks.
Doctoral Students Writing a Formal Dissertation
Doctoral students writing a formal dissertation are required to go through the Graduate School formatting procedures. These students will be enrolled in 18-30 credits of @690 courses in their discipline and should see a line item in DegreeWorks that indicates formatting is required.
See below for an example of how the formatting requirement appears in DegreeWorks.
Doctor of Nursing Students Writing a Professional Paper
Doctor of Nursing Practice students writing a professional paper are required to go through the Graduate School formatting procedures. These students will be enrolled in 6 credits of NRSG 675 and should see a line item in DegreeWorks that indicates formatting is required.
See below for an example of how the formatting requirement appears in DegreeWorks.
Master of Science in Science Education (MSSE) Students Writing a Professional Paper
MSSE students writing a professional paper go through a formatting process that is slightly different. MSSE students are still required to follow all Graduate School formatting rules, but the MSSE Office will assume the duties of the formatting advisor. Please visit the MSSE students requirements page for more information.
See below for an example of how the formatting requirement appears in DegreeWorks.
All Other Master's Students Writing a Professional Paper
All other students writing a professional paper do not go through the formatting process and do not submit their paper through the Graduate School. These students will not see a formatting requirement in DegreeWorks.
If students would like to individually publish their professional paper through the MSU Library, they may do so by filling out the MSU Library's publication form.
Some students may see outdated "Thesis/Dissertation formatting and Certificate of Approval form" language on their DegreeWorks worksheets. The complete formatting process now removes the need for a student to submit a Certificate of Approval form. Any student still seeing this language on their DegreeWorks should conform to formatting procedure as normal and does NOT need to submit the old Certificate of Approval form.