Hill County 4-H - Meeting People and Goals
2018 was remembered as the year the 4-H Chuckwagon was built. Each year, 4-H members are asked to set three goals regarding what they hope to learn or accomplish during the project year. At the end of the year, they summarize progress, accomplishments, or shortfalls in their 4-H record book. Over seven years ago, Hill County 4-H set a goal to rebuild the old and deteriorating 4-H Chuckwagon building when it had trouble passing a fire marshal inspection. Years of fundraising, bake sales and raffles by 4-H members and the community alike, plus countless hours of donated labor by volunteers and professional contractors, culminated into a 150’ x 40’ steel-sided building complete with commercial kitchen. Clubs branded the wooden boardwalk with their names and the “4-H” brand. Then the doors opened to serve the public for the first time on the first day of the 2018 Great Northern Fair. Over 3,000 milkshakes, 80 pies and 1,600 burgers were served and enjoyed by all in air-conditioned comfort. The 4-H Chuckwagon wasn’t the only highlight. A total of 113 4-H members had opportunities to learn and grow as community leaders.
Throughout the year, members learned and had fun at 4-H camp, 4-H Congress, Ambassador Training, and Rec Lab, as well as showing their projects at the county fair and performing community service. One club, the Chirping Meadowlarks, opened a “free library” for the community at the grocery store. Twelve members of the Hill County 4-H Interstate Exchange group journeyed to Pima County 4-H in Tucson, Arizona, for eight days in June. There they met up with 14 Arizona 4-H members. Activities included touring the Sonoran Desert Museum, the Anaconda Copper Mine in Bisbee, AZ, the University of Arizona, the Pima Air and Space Museum, the Santa Rita Ranch and taking a trip to the Mexican border. Hill County 4-H then hosted Arizona 4-H members and shared the best of North Central Montana in 2019.
To learn more about Hill County, see their program highlights.
Image credit:Hill County’s new Chuckwagon kitchen facility. Photo courtesy Hill County MSU Extension