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Montana State University Extension believes professional and community excellence are best achieved through intellectual and personal growth that is diverse, culturally-relevant, and inclusive. We prioritize efforts to create and support diverse working, teaching, and learning environments that welcome, respect, and nurture all community members and staff. We cultivate inclusive environments by celebrating the diverse dimensions of people’s identities and promoting awareness and understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Montana State University Extension is committed to ensuring the civil rights of its clients and employees. Every client and every employee must be treated fairly and equitably, with dignity and respect. This policy applies to all clients and employees – regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, veterans status, sexual orientation, citizenship, and marital or family status.

Each MSU Extension employee has an important role to ensure that our programs are open and accessible to all clients in accordance with the goals of the program, and to maintain a positive and equitable environment. We are all responsible to recruit and retain people who are traditionally underrepresented in our programs and employee groups. We each become more effective in teaching and learning when we are open to diversity of ideas, cultures, experiences and backgrounds. Not only are our lives enriched, but we also build healthier communities for learning and living.

I am pleased to partner with you to achieve the important goals of equity and fairness to all.

Cody Stone
Executive Director, MSU Extension


Quick Reference Guide for Civil Rights in Montana State University Extension available here: Click to open

Also Available in PDF: Click to open PDF