Web Accessibility - Legacy Page

This page has been identified as older than June 1, 2014. Per MSU's Web Accessibility agreement with the Office for Civil Rights, content that has not been updated since this date is considered "legacy" and does not need accessibility errors remediated.

If you make edits to this page and republish it, you will need to correct any accessibility errors that exist - all MSU web pages created or updated past June 1, 2014 are required to meet our current Web Accessibility standards. Visit our help center article on working with legacy web pages and content for more information.

 denotes required fields.

Survey Information
What disposal would have cost if MME weren't available. Use numbers.
What new Material would have cost if MME weren't available. Use numbers.
For Wanted Listings.
For available listings.
Use Numbers.

Feedback Form

If you have made a successful exchange through the MME please take a minute to fill out the form below. Documentation of successful exchanges is critical for the continued funding of this free service. If you just want to send us comments about our web site or about any of the listings posted on the site, please fill out the "Additional Comments" field at the bottom of the form, or use the e-mail address at the bottom of this page to e-mail the MME administrator directly. (Required fields marked with *.)

Business Name: *
Material Exchanged: *
Date Exchanged:
Quantity Exchanged:
Disposal Savings: (What disposal would have cost if MME weren't available. Use numbers)
Material Cost: (What new Material would have cost if MME weren't available. Use numbers)
City Material came from: (For wanted listings)
City where Material went: (For available listings)
Actual price recipient paid: (Use numbers)
Additional Comments: