- The goal of MME is to reduce waste by facilitating the reuse of materials that would
otherwise go to landfills. MME seeks to help Montana businesses, institutions/organizations
and government agencies reduce their disposal costs and find reusable items and feedstock
materials for reduced or no cost.
MME is designed for usable materials that would otherwise be discarded. Below are
examples of acceptable listings. MME reserves the right to redirect listers to more
appropriate sources when necessary.

- Acceptable "Available" Listings:
1: Businesses, government, or institutions/organizations interested in placing items
that are potentially reusable to someone else, but for which recycling markets currently
do not exist in your area. Examples include used items, business overruns, seconds,
outdated inventory, empty containers, industrial byproducts etc. Individual exceptions
may be made for marketable items being offered for free or below market value to schools,
nonprofit organizations or government agencies.
2: Businesses, government, or institutions/organizations interested in placing large
and/or recurring quantities of recyclable (scrap) materials for which recycling markets
are not yet established (such as some types of paper, plastics). These materials may
be useable as feedstock for manufacturers, recyclers, or brokers. To determine if
there are established recycling markets in your area check the yellow pages under
Recycling or visit the "Where to Recycle in Montana" page on the Keep Montana Clean & Beautiful website.
3: Individuals interested in offering items at significantly below market value or free
for reuse by schools, nonprofit organizations, or government agencies.

- Acceptable "Wanted" Listings:
1: Businesses, government, or institutions/organizations seeking used items. Examples
include used office equipment, building materials, office and art supplies, etc.
2: Manufacturers who are interested in obtaining feedstock materials for the manufacturing
of their products.
3: Professional recyclers and brokers interested in obtaining scrap materials.

- Unacceptable "Available" Listings:
1: Manufacturers/distributors/retailers of recycled content products interested in listing
their products.
2: Professional recyclers and brokers interested in listing their products. Individual
exceptions may be made for items that are not scrap materials, such as a closeout
on containers, hangers, fixtures, or some other reusable item, especially if they
are free, or free to schools, nonprofits and government agencies.
3: Anyone seeking to sell used items at market value, such as appliances, furniture,
automobiles, etc. Those items with established resale markets would be better served
by utilizing local advertising options.
4: Anyone seeking to sell recyclable (scrap) materials with established recycling markets,
such as cardboard and aluminum cans. To find buyers for such materials, we recommend
contacting local solid waste management officials, checking the yellow pages under
"Recycling", or visiting recycling directory on the Recycle Montana website. Exceptions include those materials suitable in form and quantity for reuse in arts
and education applications.

- Special Services:
MME will list specialized reuse and recycling services (see Useful Links) if they are:
- free public services
- nonprofit organizations
- companies that donate a significant portion of their materials for reuse by schools,
nonprofits, or government agencies (or act as a conduit for such donations)
- if they offer unique information services to assist Montanans in the reuse and recycling
of specialized materials
- if they cater to specialized industries.

- Lister Responsibilities:
Please respond to all inquiries. Listers should edit or delete their listing or
notify MME if their listing is no longer valid. Listers will receive e-mail messages
annually to verify listings. Failure to respond will result in the listing being removed.
Please take the time to report any SUCCESSFUL EXCHANGES by filling out the User Survey, sending an e-mail to MME staff. This feedback is absolutely critical to ensure continued funding of
this free service.

- Complaints and Compliments:
We appreciate any constructive feedback. We try to implement all good ideas, as long
as it is benefits MME overall.
If you have any problems or questions please e-mail the MME Administrator, Jennifer
Grossenbacher at [email protected].
Montana Pollution Prevention Program
MSU Extension
Taylor Hall
PO Box 173580
Bozeman, MT 59717-3580
Tel: (406) 994-3451
Fax: (406) 994-5417
Questions, comments, or suggestions?
Contact: Jenny Grossenbacher, Director