1.   4-H member must have three (3) consecutive years of 4-H work, year of trip is 3rd year.
  2.  4-H member must be fifteen (15) years old by October 1 of the year of the trip. 
           example: Must be 15 by October 1, 2025 for the trip going in 2026.
  3.  4-H member must be a member in good standing according to his/her organizational leader and have attendance at club meetings of 70% or more.
  4.  4-H member must have three (3) consecutive years of completed records. Records must be up-to-date year of trip.
  5.  4-H member must be enrolled in Leadership Project for at least two (2) years. Complete Leadership Project Plan form and submit to County Extension Agent.
  6.  4-H member must participate in Citizenship Historical Orientation sessions prior to going on the trip. This orientation is set up by the DC Committee.
  7.  4-H member shall work at the Valley County 4-H Food Booth during the fair or make prior arrangements with your leader.
  8.  4-H member will be called upon to help with county workshops, activities and events.
  9.  4-H member will participate in at least one (1) county event as a helper or leader.
  10.  4-H member will make a $200 deposit (non-refundable) and verification of up-to-date record book to accompany the application.