MSU Extension Valley County is offering a free, hands-on workshop on how to start
seeds at home February 25, 2025 at the Valley County Senior Center from 5:30 - 7:30
p.m. We are featuring MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Abi Saeed and Daniels County MSU Extension Agent Inga Hawbaker. It's free and all supplies are included. We are offering a light
meal, so please call the Valley County Extension Office and register 406-228-6241.

Join us for Rooted in Montana: A Virtual Coffee Hour for Gardeners. Eleven Webinars featuring horticultural topics for northern gardeners. Bimonthly webinars began December 30 and ends May 19, 2025. This series will bring specialists to your home for a discussion of an important gardening topic. These are recorded but you will need to register . There is no cost for this series. The first in this series of FREE webinars is December 30th at 10:00 a.m. featuring Master Gardener Coordinator Sarah Eilers on Seed Selection and Heirloom Seeds. Grab a cup of coffee and join us! It's free, but you must register to get the link. Use the QR code below, or this link (let me know if it doesn't work please) Webinar series name:
Rooted In Montana: A Virtual Coffee Hour for Gardeners Series 1
Webinar series registration link:

Planting Conservation Tree Seedlings
Peter Kolb, MSU Extension Forestry Specialist has shared a guide pertaining to planting conservation tree seedlings. The "hand planting tree seedlings guide" is available at:
Hand-Planting Guidelines for Bareroot Trees and Shrubs
Yard and Garden
Yard and Garden Publications from MSU
These are available for download or contact our office for a copy.
Additional information from NDSU Extension on lawns,gardens and trees