- Hansen, A.J., W.B. Monahan, D.M. Theobald, T. Olliff. 2016. Climate Change in Wildlands: Pioneering Approaches to Science and Management. Island Press
Papers in Review
Veneros, J., A. Hansen, P. Jantz, D. Roberts, E. Noguera-Urbano and L. García. In Review. Assessing the impacts of climate change using GCMs: A study of temperature and precipitation medians for a baseline and three 2050 RCPs in Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.
Venter, O. J. Ervin, A. L. S. Virnig, S. Atkinson, A. J. Hansen and 61 others. In Review. An operational framework to map Essential Life Support Areas (ELSAs) for biodiversity, climate, and sustainable development. Nature Sustainability.
Peer-reviewed Publications
East, A., A. Hansen, P. Jantz, B. Currey, D. Roberts, D. Armenteras. 2024. Validation and error minimization of GEDI relative height metrics in the Amazon. Remote Sensing 16(19), 3550;
Hansen, A. J., A. East, Z. Ashford, C. Crittenden, O. Jakabosky, D. Quinby, L. Gigliotti, F. T. van Manen, M. A. Haroldson, A. Middleton, N. Robinson, D. M. Theobald. 2024. Integrating Ecological Value and Charismatic Species Habitats to Prioritize Habitats for Conservation: A Case Study from Greater Yellowstone. Natural Areas Journal 44(3):157-171 (2024).
Pillay, R., J. E. M. Watson, A. J. Hansen, and 10 others. 2024. Global rarity of high-integrity tropical rainforests for threatened and declining vertebrates. Proc Nat Acad Sci. Vol. 121 No. 51 e2413325121.
Pillay, R. J. E. M. Watson, S. J. Goetz, A. J. Hansen, P. A. Jantz, J. P. Ramírez-Delgado1, H. S. Grantham, S. Ferrier and O. Venter. 2024. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework needs headline indicators that can actually monitor forest integrity. Environ. Res.: Ecology 3 043001.
Hansen, A. J., J. Aragon-Osejo, I. González, J. Veneros, A. L. S. Virnig, P. Jantz, O. Venter, S. Goetz, J. E. M. Watson, N. Cordoba, S. Rodriguez, L. Monroy, J. Iglesias, L. Beltrán, D. Borja, D. Ureta, J. Tingo, C. Oñate, F. Valencia, H. Zambrano, T. Pequeño, W. Llactayo, W. Huamani, P. Duran, A. Arana, M. Arenas, C. Pasquel, A. Tovar, and P. Huerta. 2024. Developing national complementary indicators of SDG15 that consider forest quality: Applications in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Ecological Indicators 159:111654.
- East, A.; Hansen, A.; Armenteras, D.; Jantz, P.; Roberts, D.W. Measuring Understory Fire Effects from Space: Canopy Change in Response to Tropical Understory Fire and What This Means for Applications of GEDI to Tropical Forest Fire. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 696
- Leadley P, Obura D, Archer E, Costello MJ, Da´valos LM, Essl F, et al. (2022) Actions needed to achieve ambitious objectives of net gains in natural ecosystem area by 2030 and beyond. PLOS Sustain Transform 1(12): e0000040.
- Pillay, R., J. Watson, A. Hansen, P. Jantz, J. Aragon-Osejo, D. Armenteras, S. Atkinson, P. Burns, J. Ervin, S. Goetz, P. González-del-Pliego, N. Robinson, C. Supples, A. Virnig, B. Williams, O. Venter. 2022. Humid tropical vertebrates are at lower risk of extinction and population decline in forests with higher structural integrity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1038/s41559-022-01915-8
- Pillay R, Venter M, Aragon-Osejo J, González-Del-Pliego P, Hansen AJ, Watson JE, Venter O. 2022. Tropical forests are home to over half of the world's vertebrate species. Front Ecol Environ. 20(1):10-15. doi: 10.1002/fee.2420.
- Hansen, AJ., Mullan, K, Theobald, DM., Robinson, N, East, A, and Powell, S. 2022. Informing Conservation Decisions to Target Private Lands of Highest Ecological Value and Risk of Loss. Ecological Applications 32(5): e2612.
- Carroll, KA, Hansen, AJ, Inman, RM, & RL Lawrence. 2021. Evaluating the importance of wolverine habitat predictors using a machine learning method. Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 102, Issue 6, December 2021, Pages 1466–1472,
- Carroll, KA, Inman, RM, Hansen, AJ, Lawrence, RL, & KM Barnett. 2021. A Framework for Collaborative Wolverine Connectivity Conservation. iScience. Volume 24, Issue 8, 20 August 2021, 102840.
- Hansen, A. J., K. Mullan, D. M. Theobald, S. Powell, N. Robinson, and A. East. 2021. Natural vegetation cover on private lands: locations and risk of loss in the northwestern United States. Ecosphere 12(10):e03756. 10.1002/ecs2.3756
- Hansen, A.J., Noble, B.P., Veneros, J., East, A., Goetz, S.J., Supples, C., Watson, J.E.M., Jantz, P.A., Pillay, R., Jetz, W., Ferrier, S., Grantham, H.S., Evans, T.D., Ervin, J., Venter, O. & Virnig, A.L.S. 2021. Towards monitoring ecosystem integrity within the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Conservation. Letters, 2021;e12822.
- Hansen, A. J., A. East, R. E. Keane, M. Lavin, K. Legg, Z. Holden, C. Toney, and F. Alongi. 2021. Is whitebark pine less sensitive to climate warming when climate tolerances of juveniles are considered? Forest Ecology and Management 493:119221.
- Carroll, K. A., A. J. Hansen, R. M. Inman, R. L. Lawrence, and A. B. Hoegh. 2020. Testing landscape resistance layers and modeling connectivity for wolverines in the western United States. Global Ecology and Conservation 23:e01125
Grantham, H.S., Duncan, A., Evans, T.D. et al. 2020. Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity. Nat Commun 11, 5978.
Williams, B.A., O. Venter. J.R. Allen, S.C. Atkinson, J.A. Rehbein, M.S. Wared, M. DiMarco, H.S. Grantham, J. Erin, S. Goetz, A.J. Hansen, P. Jantz, R. Rillay, S. Rodríguez-Buriticá, C. Supples, A.L.S. Virnig, J.E.M. Watson. 2020. Change in terrestrial human footprint drives continued loss of intact ecosystems. One Earth, 3, 371–382.
Hansen, A., Burns, P.,Ervin, J., Goetz, S., Hansen, M., Venter, O., Watson, J., Jantz, P., Virnig, A., Barnett, K., Pillay, R., Atkinson, S., Supples, C., Rodriguez-Buritica, S., Armenteras, D. 2020. A policy-driven framework for conserving the best of Earth's remaining moist tropical forests. Nat. Ecol. Evol. doi:10.1038/s41559-020-1274-7.
Laufenberg, D.; Thoma, D.; Hansen, A.; Hu, J. 2020. Biophysical Gradients and Performance of Whitebark Pine Plantings in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Forests (11) 119.
- Adhikari, A., K.P., Mainali, I. Rangwala, A.J. Hansen. 2019. Various measures of potential evapotranspiration have species-specific impact on species distribution models. Ecological Modeling 14:108836. PDF
Alongi, F., A.J. Hansen, D. Laufenberg, R.E. Keane, K. Legg, M. Lavin. 2019. A feasible approach to genetically distinguish limber from whitebark pine needles. Forests 2019, 10, 1060; doi:10.3390/f10121060
Hansen, A.J., K. Barnett, P. Jantz, L. Phillips, S.J. Goetz, M. Hansen, O. Venter, J.E.M. Watson, P. Burns, S. Atkinson, S. Rodríguez-Buritica, J. Ervin, A. Virnig and C. Supples. 2019. Global humid tropics forest structural condition and forest structural integrity maps. Scientific Data 6, 232 doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0214-3
Adhikari, A., K.P. Mainali, I. Rangwala and A.J. Hansen. 2019. Various measures of potential evapotranspiration have species-specific impact on species distribution models. Ecological Modelling. In Press
Adhikari, A., A.J. Hansen and I. Rangwala. 2019. Ecological water stress under projected climate change across hydroclimate gradients in the North-Central United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 58 (9): 2103 - 2114.
- Hansen, A.J. 2019. Challenges to Arid Public Lands through the Lens of the Grand Canyon, BioScience, , biy148,
- Adhikari, A. and A.J. Hansen. 2019. Climate and water balance change among public, private, and tribal lands within Greater Wild land Ecosystems across North Central USA. Climatic Change. 152 (3-4): 551-567.
- Ireland, K.B., A.J. Hansen, R.E. Keane, K. Legg and R.L. Gump. 2018. Putting Climate Adaptation on the Map: Developing Spatial Management Strategies for Whitebark Pine in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Environmental Management. 61 (6): 981-1001. Supplental material .pdf1 .pdf2
- Hansen, A.J. and L.B. Phillips. 2018. Trends in vital signs for Greater Yellowstone: application of a Wildland Health Index.Ecosphere. 9(8): e02390.
- Adhikari, A. and A.J. Hansen. 2018. Land use change and habitat fragmentation of wildland ecosystems of the North Central United States. Landscape and Urban Planning. 177: 196 - 216. .pdf
- McClure, M.L., A.J. Hansen and R.M. Inman. 2016. Connecting models to movements: testing connectivity model predictions against empirical migration and dispersal data. Landscape Ecology. 31(7): 1419 - 1432.pdf
- Garroutte, E., A.J. Hansen and R.L. Lawrence. 2016. Using NDVI and EVI to map spatiotemporal variation in the biomass and quality of forage for migratory elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Remote Sensing. 8(5): 404. .pdf
Hansen, A.J., K. Ireland, K. Legg, R. Keane, E. Barge, M. Jenkins and M. Pillet. 2016. Complex Challenges of Maintaining Whitebark Pine in Greater Yellowstone under Climate Change: A Call for Innovative Research, Management, and Policy Approaches. Forests. 7(3): 54 .pdf
- Piekielek, N.B., A.J. Hansen and T. Chang. 2015. Using custom scientific workflow software and GIS to inform protected area climate adaptation planning in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecological Informatics. 30:40 - 48. .pdf
- Hansen A. J., N. Peikielek, T. Change, and L.B Phillps. 2015. Changing climate suitability for forest in the Yellowstone and the Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone Science 23:1.
- Chang T, Hansen A. J., Piekielek N. 2014. Patterns and Variability of Projected Bioclimatic Habitat for Pinus albicaulis in the Greater Yellowstone Area. PLoS ONE 9(11): e111669. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.011669
- Miller, B.W., L. Frid, T. Chang, N. Piekielek, A.J. Hansen, and J.T. Morisette. 2015. Combining state-and-transition simulations and species distribution models to anticipate the effects of climate change. AIMS Environmental Science. 2(2): 400 - 426. .pdf
- Hansen, A.J. and L.B. Phillips, 2015. Which tree species and biome types are most vulnerable to climate change in the US Northern Rocky Mountains? Forest Ecology and Management. 338: 68 - 83. pdf
- Hansen, A.J., L.B. Phillips, R. Dubayah, S.J. Goetz, and M. Hofton. 2014. Regional-scale application of lidar: Variation in forest canopy structure across the southeastern US. Forest Ecology and Management. 329(1): 214 - 226. .pdf
- Chang, T. A.J. Hansen, N. Piekielek. 2014. Patterns and variability of projected bioclimatic habitat for Pinus albicaulis in the Greater Yellowstone Area.PLOS One. 9(11): e111669. pdf
- Hansen, A.J., N. Piekielek, C. Davis, J. Haas, D.M. Theobald, J.E. Gross, W.B. Monahan, T. Olliff, and S.W. Running. 2014. Exposure of U.S. National Parks to land use and climate change 1900-2100. Ecological Applications. 24(3): 484 - 502. .pdf
- Goetz, S.J. Sun, M., S. Zolkos, A. Hansen and R. Dubayah, 2014. The relative importance of climate and vegetation properties on patterns of North American breeding bird species richness, Environmental Research Letters, 9:034013. .pdf
- Stine, Peter; Hessburg, Paul; Spies, Thomas; Kramer, Marc; Fettig, Christopher J.; Hansen, Andrew; Lehmkuhl, John; O'Hara, Kevin; Polivka, Karl; Singleton, Peter; Charnley, Susan; Merschel, Andrew; White, Rachel. 2014. The ecology and management of moist mixed-conifer forests in eastern Oregon and Washington: a synthesis of the relevant biophysical science and implications for future land management. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-897. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 254 p. .pdf
- Powell, S.J., A.J. Hansen, T.J. Rodhouse, L.K. Garrett, J.L. Betancourt, et al. 2013. Woodland Dynamics at the Northern Range Periphery: A Challenge for Protected Area Management in a Changing World. PLoS ONE 8(7): e70454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070454. PDF
- Piekielek, N.B. and A.J. Hansen. 2012. Extent of fragmentation of coarse-scale habitats in and around US National Parks. Biological Conservation 155:13-22. PDF
- Piekielek, N.B. 2012. Remote sensing grassland phenology in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: biophysical correlates, land use effects and patch dynamics.Ph.D. Dissertation. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. PDF
- Hansen, A.J. 2011. Land-use change in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Past, Present and Possible Future Patterns and Consequences, in Questioning Greater Yellowstone's Future Climate, Land Use, and Invasive Species, the 10th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- Davis, C.R. and A.J. Hansen. 2011. Trajectories in land-use change around US National Parks and their challenges and opportunities for management. Ecological Applications 21(8) 3299-3316. PDF
- Hansen, A.J., L.B. Phillips, C.H. Flather and J. Robison-Cox. 2011. Carrying capacity for species richness as a context for conservation: A case study of North American breeding birds. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20, 817-831. PDF and Cover
- Baril, L.M., A.J. Hansen, R. Renkin, R. Lawrence. 2011. Songbird response to increased willow (Salix spp.) growth in Yellowstone's northern range. Ecological Applications 21(6) 2283-2296
- Hansen, A. J., C. Davis, N. B. Piekielek, J. Gross, D. Theobald, S. Goetz, F. Melton, R. DeFries. 2011. Delineating the ecosystems containing protected areas for monitoring and management. BioScience 61(5) 363-373. PDF
- Phillips, L.B., Hansen, A.J., C.H. Flather and J. Robison-Cox. 2010. Applying species-energy theory to conservation: a case study for North American birds. Ecological Applications 20(7) 2207-2023.
- Olliff, T., G. Plumb, J. Kershner, C. Whitlock, A. Hansen, M. Cross, S. Bischke. 2010. A science agenda for the Greater Yellowstone Area. Yellowstone Science 18(2):14-22.
- Baril, L.M., A.J. Hansen, R. Renkin, R. Lawrence. 2009. Willow-bird relationships on the Northern Range. Yellowstone Science 17(3):19-26.
- Hansen, A.J. 2009. Species and habitats most at risk in Greater Yellowstone. Yellowstone Science 17(3):27-36.
- McWethy, D.B., A.J. Hansen, and J.P. Verschuyl. 2010. Bird response to disturbance varies with forest productivity in the northwestern United States, Landscape Ecology 25(4): 533-549.
- DeFries, R., F. Rovero, P. Wright, J. Ahumada, S. Andelman, K. Brandon, J. Dempewolf, A. Hansen, J. Hewson, J. Liu. 2010. Linking plot-level biodiversity measurements with human influences over multiple spatial scales in the tropics: A conceptual framework. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8(3): 153-160.
- Jones, D.A., A.J. Hansen, K. Bly, K. Doherty, J.P. Verschuyl, J.I. Paugh, R. Carle, and S.J. Story. 2009. Monitoring land use and cover around parks: a conceptual approach. Remote Sensing of Environment 113:1346-1356.
- McWethy, D.B., A.J. Hansen, and J.P. Verschuyl. 2009. Edge effects for songbirds vary with forest productivity. Forest Ecology and Management 257, 665-678.
- Phillips, L.B., Hansen, A.J., and C.H. Flather, 2008. Evaluating the species energy relationship with the newest measures of ecosystem energy: NDVI versus MODIS primary production, Remote Sensing of Environment 112:4381-4392.
- Verschuyl, J.P., A.J. Hansen, D.B. McWethy, R. Sallabanks, R.L. Hutto. 2008. Is the effect of forest structure on bird diversity modified by forest productivity? Ecological Applications 18(5), 1155-1170.
- Pearce, J.L., D.A Kirk, C.P Lane, M.H. Mahr, J.Walmsley, D. Casey, J. Muir, S. Hannon, A. Hansen, K. Jones. 2008. Prioritizing avian conservation areas for the Yellowstone to Yukon Region of North America. Biological Conservation 141: 908-924.Hansen, A.J. and R. DeFries. 2007. Land use change around nature reserves: Inplications for sustaining biodiversity. Ecological Applications, 17(4) 972-973.
- Hansen, A.J. and R. DeFries. 2007. Ecological mechanisms linking protected areas to surrounding lands. Ecological Applications 17(4), 974-988.
- Hansen, A.J. and R. DeFries. 2007. Land use change around nature reserves: implications for sustaining biodiversity. 17(4), 972-973.
- DeFries, R., A.J. Hansen, B.L. Turner, R.S. Reid and J. Liu. 2007. Towards scientific principles for regional management of landscapes surrounding protected areas. Ecological Applications 17(4) 1031-1038.
- Gude, P.H., A.J. Hansen, D.A. Jones. 2007. Biodiversity consequences of alternative future land use scenarios in Greater Yellowstone. Ecological Applications 17(4), 1004-1018.
- Powell, S.L., A.J. Hansen. 2007. Conifer cover increase in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Frequency, rates, and spatial variation. Ecosystems. 10:204-216.
- Brown, K., A.J. Hansen, R.E. Keane, L.J. Graumlich. 2006. Complex interactions shaping aspen dynamics in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Landscape Ecology. Landscape Ecology 21:933–951.
- Gude, P.H., A.J. Hansen, R. Rasker, B. Maxwell. 2006. Rate and drivers of rural residential development in the Greater Yellowstone. Landscape and Urban Planning 77:131-151.
- Hansen, A.J., and D. Brown . 2005. Land use change in rural America: An introduction. Ecological Applications 15(6):1849-1850.
- Hansen, A.J., R. Knight, J. Marzluff, S. Powell, K. Brown, P. Hernandez, and K. Jones. 2005. Effects of exurban development on biodiversity: Patterns, mechanisms, research needs. Ecological Applications 15(6): 1893-1905.
- Chornesky, E.A., A.M. Bartuska, G.H. Aplet, K.O. Britton, J. Cummings-Carlson, F.W. David, J.Eskow, D.R. Gordon, K. Gottschalk, R.A. Haack, A.J. Hansen, R.N. Mack, F.J. Rahel, M.A. Shannon, L.A. Wagner, and T.B. Wigley. 2005. Science Priorities for Reducing the Threat of Invasive Species to Sustainable Forestry. BioScience 55(4):335-348.
- DeFries, R., A.J. Hansen, A. Newton, M.C. Hansen. 2005. Isolation of protected areas in tropical forests over the last twenty years. Ecological Applications 15(1): 19-26.
- Wessels, K. J., R. S. De Fries, J. Dempewolf, L. O. Anderson, A. J. Hansen, S. L. Powell and E. F. Moran. 2004. Mapping regional land cover with MODIS data for biological conservation: Examples from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA and Pará State, Brazil. Remote Sensing of Environment 92(1):67-83.
- Parmenter, A.P., A. Hansen, R. Kennedy, W. Cohen, U. Langner, R. Lawrence, B. Maxwell, A. Gallant, R. Aspinall. 2003. Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: 1975-95. Ecological Applications 13(3):687-703.
- Gallant, A.L. A.J. Hansen, J.S. Councilman, D.K. Monte, and D.W. Betz. 2003. Vegetation dynamics under fire exclusion and logging in a Rocky Mountain watershed: 1856-1996. Ecological Applications 13(2):385-403.
- Hansen, A.J., R. Rasker, B. Maxwell, J.J. Rotella, J. Johnson, A. Wright Parmenter, U. Langner, W. Cohen, R. Lawrence, and M.V. Kraska. 2002. Ecological causes and consequences of demographic change in the New West. BioScience 52(2) 151-168.
- Hansen, A.J., and J.J. Rotella. 2002. Biophysical factors, land use, and species viability in and around nature reserves. Conservation Biology 16(4):1-12.
- Kramer, M.G., A.J. Hansen, M. Taper, and E. Kissinger. 2001. Abiotic controls on windthrow and pattern and process of forest development on Kuiu Island, Alaska. Ecology 82(10):2749-2768.
- Hansen, A.J., and V. Dale. 2001. Biodiversity in U.S. Forests Under Global Climate Change. Ecosystems (4):161-163.
- Hansen, A.J., R.P. Neilson, V. Dale, C. Flather, L. Iverson, D. J. Currie, S. Shafer, R. Cook, P. Bartlein. 2001. Global change in forests: Interactions among biodiversity, climate, and land use. BioScience 51(9):765-779.
- Burrough, P.A., J.P. Wilson, P.F.M. van Gaans, A.J. Hansen. 2001. Fuzzy k-means classification of topo-climatic data as an aid to forest mapping in the Greater Yellowstone Area, USA. Landscape Ecology 16(6):523-546.
- Hansen, A.J., J.J. Rotella, M.L. Kraska and D. Brown. 2000. Spatial patterns of primary productivity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Landscape Ecology. 15:505-522.
- Madden, E.M., R.K. Murphy, A.J. Hansen and L. Murray. 2000. Models for guiding management of prairie bird habitat in northwestern North Dakota. American Midland Naturalist 144:377-392.
- Rotella, J.J., M.L. Taper, and A.J. Hansen. 2000. Correcting nesting-success estimates for observer effects: maximum-likelihood estimates of daily survival rates with reduced bias. Auk 117:92-109.
- Rasker, R. and A.J. Hansen. 2000. Natural amenities and population growth in the Greater Yellowstone region. Human Ecology Review 7(2):30-40.
- Hansen, A.J., J.J. Rotella, M.L. Kraska, and D. Brown. 1999. Dynamic habitat and population analysis: A filtering approach to resolve the biodiversity manager's dilemma. Ecological Applications 9(4):1459-1476.
- Madden, E.M., A.J. Hansen, and R.K. Murphy. 1999. Influence of prescribed fire history on habitat and abundance of passerine birds in northern mixed-grass prairie. Canadian Field Naturalist 113:627-640.
- Rotella, J.J., E.M. Madden, and A.J. Hansen. 1999. Sampling considerations for estimating abundance of passerines in grasslands. Studies in Avian Biology 19:237-243.
- Hansen, A.J., R. Patten, and G. DeGayner, and B. Marks. 1996. Simulating forest and habitat change in Southeast Alaska with the landscape model PAYSAGE. Transactions in GIS 1(2):119-136.
- Hansen, A.J., W.C. McComb, R. Vega, M.G. Raphael, M. Hunter. 1995. Bird habitat relationships in natural and managed forests in the west Cascades of Oregon. Ecological Applications 5(3):555-569.
- Hansen, A.J., S.L. Garman, J.F. Weigand, D.L. Urban, W.C. McComb, and M.G. Raphael. 1995. Ecological and economic effects of alternative silvicultural regimes in the PNW. Ecological Applications 5(3):535-554.
- Hansen, A.J. 1995. Understanding and managing ecotones: Summary of the first SCOPE workshop on landscape boundaries. Ecology International (22) 3-15.
- Hansen, A.J., S. Garman, B. Marks and P. Lee. 1993. An approach for managing vertebrate diversity across multiple-use landscapes. Ecological Applications. 3(3):481-496.
- Hansen, A.J, S.L. Garman, P. Lee and E. Horvath. 1993. Do edge effects influence tree growth rates in Douglas-fir plantations? Northwest Science 67(2):112-116.
- Hansen, A.J. and D.L. Urban. 1992. Avian response to landscape pattern: The role of species life histories. Landscape Ecology 7:163-180.
- Hansen, A.J., T. Spies, F. Swanson and J. Ohmann. 1991. Conserving biodiversity in managed forests. BioScience 41(3):382-392.
- Hansen, A.J. et al. 1990. Responses of wildlife habitats to forest management and climate change: A modeling approach. Northwest Env. J. 6:419-420.
- Hansen, A.J., et al. 1990. Responses of vertebrates to stand edge and type in managed forests of the Oregon Coast Range. Northwest Env. J. 6:418-419.
- Hansen, A.J. 1987. Regulation of bald eagle reproductive rates in southeast Alaska. Ecology 68:1387-1392.
- Hodges, J.E., E.L. Boeker and A.J. Hansen. 1987. Movements of radio- tagged bald eagles in and from southeast Alaska. Canadian Field Naturalist. 101:136-140.
- Hansen, A.J. 1986. Foraging behavior of bald eagles: A test of evolutionary game theory. Ecology 67:787-797.
- Hansen, A.J. and S. Rohwer. 1986. Coverable badges and resource defense in birds. Animal Behavior 34:69-76.
- Hansen, A.J. 1986. Fighting behavior in Bald Ealges: A test of game theory. Ecology 67(3):787-797.
- Hansen, A.J. 1985. High rates of nonbreeding adult bald easgles in southeastern alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management, 49(2):454-458.
- Hansen, A.J., and F. di Castri, editors. 1992. Landscape Boundaries: Consequences for Biotic Diversity and Ecological Flows. Springer-Verlag Ecological Studies Series, New York. 432 pages.
- di Castri, F., A.J. Hansen, M. Debussche, editors. 1990. Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
- Hansen, A. J. 2011. Contribution of source-sink theory to protected area science. Pgs 339-360 in J. Liu, V., Hull, A. Morzillo, and J. Wiens, eds. Sources, Sinks, and Sustainability across Landscapes. Cambridge University Press.
- Hansen, A.J. 2010. Thinking big about Greater Yellowstone. Pgs 1-16 in Knowing Yellowstone: Science in America’s First National Park. 2010 Jerry Johnson, Editor. Taylor Trade Publishing, Boulder, CO.
- Powell, S.L., A.J. Hansen, and W.B. Cohen. 2008. Mapping the extent and distribution of conifer cover increase in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In Landscape Ecology Research Trends. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York. PDF
- Hansen, A.J., and R.S. DeFries. 2005. Land use intensification around nature reserves in mountains: Implications for biodiversity. Pgs. 551-562 in U. M. Huber, H.K.M. Bugmann, and M.A. Reasoner, eds., Global Change and Mountain Regions: An Overview of Current Knowledge. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York.
- Hansen, A.J., R. DeFries, W. Turner. In Press. Land Use Change and Biodiversity: A Synthesis of Rates and Consequences during the Period of Satellite Imagery. Pgs xx-xx in G. Gutman and C. Justice, eds., Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, NY.
- Hansen, A.J., and J.J. Rotella. 2002. Rural Development and Biodiversity: A Case Study from Greater Yellowstone. Pgs 123-140 in: Levitt, J., ed. Conservaton in the Internet Age. Island Press. New York, NY.
- Hansen, A.J. and J.J. Rotella. 2001. Nature Reserves and Land Use: Implications of the "Place" Principle. Pages 57-75 in Dale, V. and R. Haeuber, eds. Applying Ecological Principles to Land Management. Springer Verlag, New York, NY. PDF
- Joyce, L., J. Aber, S. McNulty, V. Dale, A. Hansen, L. Irland, R. Neilson, and K. Skog. 2001. Potential consequences of climate variability and change for the forests of the United States. Pgs 489-522 in National Assessment Synthesis Team. Climate Change Impacts on the United States: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
- Hansen, A.J. and J.J. Rotella. 2000. Bird responses to forest fragmentation. Pgs 202-221 in R.L. Knight, F.W. Smith, S.W. Buskirk, W.H. Romme, and W.L. Baker, (eds.) Forest Fragmentation in the Southern Rocky Mountains. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, CO. PDF
- Hansen, A.J. and J.J. Rotella. 1999. Abiotic factors. Pages 161-209. In: M.L Hunter, Jr. (ed.). Maintaining biodiversity in forest ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. PDF
- Hansen, A.J., A. Gallant, J.J. Rotella, D. Brown. 1999. Natural and human drivers of biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Pgs. 61-70 in Land use history of North America: Providing a context for understanding environmental change. T. Sisk, (ed.) Biological Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C.
Technical Reports
- Hansen A.J. et al. 2018. Final Report. Vegetation climate adaptation planning in support of the Custer Gallatin National Forest plan revision. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Unpublished report. .pdf
- Hansen AJ, Goetz S Gross J. 2016. Final Report: Sustaining Wildland Ecosystems through Monitoring and Communication to Stakeholders: A workshop project funded by NASA Headquarters, Science Mission Directorate, Cross Division. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Unpublished report.