Disposing of Contaminated Materials/Waste 

Use PPE when disposing of contaminated materials. 

  • Microbiology waste, blood, blood products are collected in a translucent plastic autoclave bag and placed in the biohazard container in the lab for weekly pickup by MSU Safety & Risk Management. 
  • Place contaminated laundry in the yellow bag for contaminated laundry at the location where the laundry is used.
  • Handle all sharps (needles, scalpels, lancets, etc.) with extreme care. Discard used sharps in the plastic sharps containers located in every clinical area. Fill the sharps container only 3/4 full, then snap shut and transport to the autoclave room. See Exposure Control Plan Policy #5: Disposal of Sharps for more information.
  • Containers containing infectious waste will be colored red and/or labeled with a red or orange biohazard label similar to the label below:

Decontaminating reusable equipment 

Equipment designed for re-use, such as surgical instruments, will be cleaned and sterilized according to policies found in the Clinic Aide's ECP notebook. 

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Clean-up of spills of blood or OPIM requires: