The ECP provides you with information and policies regarding the prevention and treatment of exposures to infections carried by blood and other body fluids while working at the SHS, through compliance with 29 CFR 1910.1030. This ECP applies to all work operations at the SHS where you may be exposed to blood-borne infections under normal working conditions or during an emergency situation.

The Chair of the ICC is the ECP coordinator, acting as the representative of the SHS Director, who has overall responsibility for the ECP. The Chair of the ICC will review and update the ECP as necessary. Copies of the written ECP and the regulations governing the ECP are available in the ECP notebook in the ICC Chair's office. The most important parts of the written ECP itself are available in the ECP notebook located in your work area. Your supervisor will show you the location of that notebook for your review. 

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The complete written Blood-Borne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is located in the ICC Chair's office. The parts of the plans that are most important to you are also located in: